Examples of "just tatting":

Here is a nice example from Lyn: she says that this one just basically "happened" while tatting away at work.

Wind shuttle from ball, leaving attached.

R  A of 3 ds (4 ds p) 3 times, 1ds. Cl R. Pull thread through  last  p. 
*Ch of 4 ds. RW. R B of 6 ds, p, (3 ds p) 2 times, 6 ds. Cl R. RW. Join 
to p of R A. Repeat from * 3 times. *Ch of 8 ds, p, 1 ds. RW. R C of  3 
ds,  join  to R B, 3 ds. Cl R. Ch of 1 ds, p, 2 ds, p, 1  ds,  join  to 
center p of R B, 1 ds, p, 2 ds, p, 1 ds. RW. R c of 3 ds, join to p  of 
R B, 3 ds, Cl. RW. Ch of 1 ds, p, 8 ds. Join to P of R A. Repeat from * 
3 times. CH of 10 ds to form stem. Tie off and cut thread.

nice work Lyn!!

Does anybody else have things to show where you "just tatted away" without much thinking and out came something neat?

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