Jimmy Shanghai's Braintour

Why are these here?? Cuz they're eyes stupid!!Why are these here?? Cuz they're eyes stupid!!

Hop in.

Jimmy's Braintour is a site essentially for poetry, short stories and art reflecting the human spirit or anything that you find interesting. Posted here is some of my work personally, and I hope that soon I get some input from some other writers or artists.

HELP me for God's sake

I'd first of all like to throw a big thank you out to the few writers that have contributed. Your work is laying a good foundation. It also seems that the passing of Ryan Grant has become a theme among a lot of the work here, and I think it's moving that so many people can pay their last respects to Ryan in such a genuine way.
As for the rest of the page, I still need as much material as I can get from outside my sphere of acquaintance here in southern Ontario. Just email txt files or pics to me (my address is below) and I'll get them on the page as promptly as I can.

Fire up those frontal lobes people and send me a piece of your mind... that's what the Braintour is all about.

Current Postings

You don't even WANNA know
Always under Construction

Thanks for taking the time to come here.

This is my page dedicated to thankin all the good pals o mine that made this page possible. Aside of course from the public funding and financial support of viewers like you.

Jimmy Shanghai's World of Madness

The page of my brand spankin' new band (and we are SEXY), Illegal Operation

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