"colorman" is the owner of #mirc_poppers and he has been on irc for two years now, he can be found hanging around irc everyday. He is always on the undernet and enjoy chatting and meeting new people on the net. So if you ever want to chat look me up. I love text art and popups. Some of the other things i enjoy doing is baskball, bowling and i love to PARTY!!!!!!!!! You can find me in #CraZZZy or in my room #Mirc_poppers.

Below is what #mirc_poppers is all about popups and txt files. Here are just a few files you can snitch. But if you want tons just drop on by the undernet and ask who ever is around for some help. After you download these then make sure they are in your mirc directory type this command line if you have mirc5.0 or above /load -rs filename.mrc or /load -a filename.ini if they are an ini file.

bamatxt.mrc bamatxt.txt boo1.mrc boo2.mrc bowpops1.mrc bowpops1.txt bowpops2q.mrc bowpops2.mrc

bowpops2.txt brianpops.mrc candi.mrc candy1.mrc clocks.mrc clocksq.mrc colors1.mrc fun.mrc funpack1.mrc

funpack2.mrc funpack3.mrc funwrite.mrc hotpops2.mrc hotpops2a.mrc kewlpops.mrc kissesn.mrc kissesq.mrc

knotices.mrc morepopups.mrc newpops2.mrc nicepopups2.mrc nuff.mrc nuffmrc.mrc nuffmrca.mrc nuffx.mrc