Out of consideration for our kind hosts at fortunecity, this is the r-rated version of the guide. There are no x-rated pictures here.

Shemale Guide for Bangkok


An introduction to Thai shemales

Health and safety issues

Welcome to Thailand

Bangkok - an overview

Getting to Bangkok

Arriving in Bangkok

Accommodation in Bangkok

Wining and dining in Bangkok

Nightlife - an overview

- Patpong

- Nana Plaza

- Soi Cowboy

- Ngam Duphlee

- Saphan Kwai/Suthisarn

Freelancers and streetwalkers

Escort agencies

Long-term or non-commercial relationships

An Introduction to Thai Shemales

Few places on earth have such a large population of shemales, and probably nowhere has such a gorgeous, sexy collection as Thailand. Taking into account facial and bodily looks, sexual prowess, charm, cost and safety, Thailand is the ultimate destination for shemale lovers.

You are about to visit a place that is closer to heaven than you deserve, even if it is otter than hell most of the time.

Thai shemales are like no other people in the world. They are even quite different to other Thais. For a start, most Thai women are quite short, with flat asses, small tits and squashed, bulbous noses.

Your average Thai shemale is actually taller than your average Thai man. As the transformation into a shemale involves quite drastic changes to the body, Thai shemales will settle for nothing less than perfection. Everything must be beautifully proportioned and in the right place.

The first thing you notice are the tits. Proud, jutting breasts with ever-erect inch-long nipples just crying out to be chewed. Next comes the ass, with firm, smooth coffee-colored buttocks poking out, challenging you: are you man enough to stick your cock here? The sensual, exotic face with those pouting lips and all-knowing eyes can take your breath away. They can see right through you to your inner-most desires while their soft lips and probing tongue makes them come true.

Taken separately, these features are impressive enough, but packaged together they are almost too good to be true.

There are so many shemales in Thailand that several hospitals in the kingdom specialize in the surgical procedures involved in becoming one. By strange coincidence, Thai wives and girlfriends are notorious for dismembering errant husbands and boyfriends. Mrs. Bobbit would feel quite at home here.

A number of Thai establishments have also become highly skilled at re-attaching penises to their owners. Thai women have become rather inventive at administering their punishment to take this into account. Early in 1997, one woman cut off her husband�s penis then attached it to a helium-filled balloon. The prick was last seen floating in the direction of Vietnam.

All sorts of rumors have sprung up about hospitals removing a penis from someone being transformed into a shemale and grafting it on to some poor victim of dismemberment. No one has actually come up with any hard evidence, though. The Lost Penis Bank of Siam has rather a mystical ring to it, rather like the Elephants� Graveyard or King Solomon�s Mines.

Health and safety issues

Considering how big a sex industry Bangkok has, the capital is remarkably safe. Violent crime against foreign tourists is extremely rare, and usually the foreigner is at fault to some degree. Theft is a common occurrence in Bangkok, but usually it s a crime of stealth. Thai shemales are rather notorious for being light-fingered.

Visitors should exercise the following precautions:

Don�t carry more money with you than you need. If the hotel you are staying at has a safe, then use it. Most hotels won�t accept responsibility for staff stealing from rooms, and it is extremely difficult to prove.

Three-in-a-bed can be great fun, but it increases your risk of being robbed. Stick to one girl at a time, unless you are extremely careful with your valuables at all times

Don�t flaunt your wealth. If you go out dripping with gold jewelry and showing everyone how much money you have in your wallet, then you are asking for trouble. Incidentally, the richer you appear to be, the more money a girl will want in return for going to bed with you.

A number of bars in Patpong are rip-off joints. They will present you with a huge bill and threaten violence if you do not pay up. They are quite prepared to back up their threats as you are heavily outnumbered. In a situation like this, pay up, then go straight to one of the Tourist Police booths at the end of the street. They will accompany you back to the bar and obtain a substantial - though not full - refund for you. They know what happens in these places and the problem is usually resolved quickly and quietly.

You may ask why on earth aren�t these places simply closed down. The answer is corruption. All bar owners pay police bribes in order to operate. The rip-off joints are under police protection and depend on tourists� ignorance in order to get away with their scams.

If you are robbed by a shemale, then go to the Tourist Police. If possible, bring the girl with you. The Tourist Police have an extensive file with just about every shemale in the area listed. They know where they live and where they hang out. While the burden of proof lies with the victim of a robbery, Tourist Police are quite adept at getting people to confess to their crimes, especially when the perpetrator is on file.

That said, the likelihood of you being a crime victim while in Bangkok is extremely remote, and if you use common sense, then the chances are almost nil.

The biggest risk you face while in Bangkok is to your health. AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases are extremely common. It is estimated that perhaps 2% of the population of Thailand has HIV or full-blown AIDS. In some provinces, the figure is probably over 20% of the entire population.

Herpes, syphilis, venereal warts, and some rather nasty strains of NSU are even more common.

It is absolutely vital that you protect yourself at all times. Always wear a condom while having sex. Condoms are readily available in Bangkok. Most bar girls and shemales have some in their handbags. Convenience stores, such as 7-11 also stock them. Even the short-time hotels can supply them.

Exercising simple precautions lie wearing a condom can mean the difference between you having the holiday of a lifetime or a nightmare where your worst health fears come true.

Welcome to Thailand


Over the years, Thailand has attracted many immigrants. The people of Thailand share a rich ethnic diversity consisting of Thai, Mon, Khmer, Laotian, Chinese, Malay, Persian and Indian descendants. As a result, it is not possible to speak of a typical Thai physique.

The Thais are, on the whole, a group of people who believe that life should be enjoyed, but no one should infringe on others' rights. The Thais are tolerant and hospitable, and it is easy to get along with them Good manners, common sense and a smile are necessities in Thailand.

Women have considerable influence in Thai society. Although the men's role is usually accentuated in public, in private, all affairs such as finances and all other trading transactions are generally managed by women.

Monarchy and religion are sacred in Thailand, and it is against the law to criticize them, especially in public. Mocking the monarchy, or joking about it, is a serious offense and is punishable by imprisonment.

Ethnic Groups: 75% Thai, 14% Chinese and 11% other.

Languages: The national language is Thai. English is widely understood, particularly in Bangkok, where it is almost the major commercial language. English is spoken in most hotels and restaurants and at major tourist destinations.

Religion: 95% of the population practice Buddhism, 4% are Muslim and the remainder are Christians, Hindus or Sikhs.


General: Thais are extremely tolerant and forgiving people with an easygoing approach to life. Nevertheless, there are certain moral, social and religious customs visitors should know and observe to avoid embarrassment and misunderstanding.

Never lose your temper or raise your voice no matter how frustrating the situation is. Only patience, humor and chai yen (cool heart) yield results in Thailand.

Thais believe that the head is the most sacred part of the body, so never touch or pat anyone in Thailand on the head, even in the friendliest of circumstances.

Standing over someone, especially someone older or wiser, is considered rude behavior since it implies social superiority. As a sign of courtesy, lower your head as you pass a group of people. When in doubt, watch the Thais.

The feet are considered the lowest part of the body, so don't point at things with your feet. When sitting down, make sure the soles of your feet are not facing anyone.

Wearing shorts is considered improper and low-class attire, but acceptable for children. No matter how hot it is, long pants should be worn in urban areas. If you are planning to visit a Buddhist temple, dress conservatively and remember to take your shoes off when you enter the temple.

Public displays of affection and nudity at beaches are offensive.

Never have your picture taken with any Buddhist images. They are considered extremely sacred, no matter what their age or condition.

Buddhist monks must be treated with respect at all times. Women are not allowed to touch the monks nor can the monks accept anything from a woman's hand.

Rear seats on buses are reserved for the monks, and other passengers have to vacate these seats when necessary. Never stand over a seated monk, since a monk should always remain at the highest elevation.

Business: Thais are not fanatical about productivity or deadlines. Foreign visitors are often frustrated with their resistance to the Westerners' fast-paced life.

Thais detest any form of conflict and will go to great pains to avoid confrontation and preserve harmony. Translated, this means they would often rather lie to you than give you an answer you won�t lie. never mind that this only creates more problems in the future, most Thais only think of the immediate present. When someone says �yes...� bear this in mind.

In addition, Thais go to great lengths to avoid work. Usually when a Thai says �no...� what he/she really means is that it is too much trouble for them to provide what they want. Always seek the highest authority you can find before asking for something.


The unit of currency in Thailand is the Baht, which is worth a little less than 3 US cents. It is divided into 100 satang. There is no currency black market in Thailand. Traveler's checks can be cashed at banks throughout the country - even small town s have foreign exchange services. Visitors are allowed to bring up to Bt 2,000 per person and unlimited foreign currency, although amounts exceeding US$10,000 must be declared. A maximum amount of Bt 500 per person is allowed to be taken out of the country.

Copper coins are valued at 25 and 50 satang while silver coins are in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 Baht. A 10-Baht coin is composed of both silver and copper.

Bank notes come in denominations of 10 Baht (brown), 20 Baht (green), 50 Baht (blue), 100 Baht (red), 500 Baht (purple) and 1000 Baht (gray).

Note: from the mid-1980s until July 1997, the baht had been valued at approximately 25 to the US dollar. Since, July, the value has been declining. Deteriorating economic conditions in Thailand, coupled with the recent strength of the dollar means the baht will probably continue to fall in value for the foreseeable future. As of August 1997, the exchange rate was approximately one dollar equals 33 baht. Please excuse any errors in baht to dollar values quoted in this report.

The baht is very hard to exchange outside Thailand so do all your foreign exchange transactions in Thailand. All the main red light areas and tourist attractions have foreign exchange booths open until late at night.


Shop Hours: Stores are generally open Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Larger shops are open from 10am to 7pm.

Bank Hours: Bank hours are usually open Monday-Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm. They are usually closed Saturday and Sunday. Many banks close for lunch.

Holidays: � January 1 - New Year's Day � February 14 - Makha Bucha (Full Moon Day) � April 6 - Chakri Memorial Day � April 12-15 - Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) � May 1 - National Labor Day � May 5 - Coronation Day � May 13 - Wisakha Bucha (Full Moon Day) � July 11 - Asanaha Bucha (Full Moon Day) � July 12 - Buddhist Lent Day � August 12 - H.M. The Queen's Birthday � October 23 - Chulalongkorn Day � December 5 - H.M. The King's Birthday � December 10 - Constitution Day � December 31 - New Year's Eve

Time: Thailand has one time zone. It is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. It is 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time and 11 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.

Tipping: Tipping is not customary, except in big hotels. If a service charge has been added to the bill, tipping isn't necessary.

Restaurants: If a restaurant service charge is included, a tip is not necessary but will be very much appreciated.

Taxis: Most taxis in Bangkok use their meters. If a taxi does not have a meter, fares must be agreed upon from the start. Fares range from a minimum of 35 Baht to maximum of about 300 Baht. Tuk-Tuk or three-wheel taxis are quite popular among tourists for short journeys inside Bangkok. Fares range from 30 Baht to 150 Baht for this means of transportation.


Thailand has a humid, tropical climate, and it is hot all year round. Summer is from March to May with average temperatures around 93ºF (34ºC), but the temperature can reach over 105ºF (40ºC) for extended periods. Summer monsoons begin as the warm humid air masses flow towards the north from the Indian Ocean. The monsoons end in the fall when the wind reverses direction with the dry southwesterlies. The rainy season, with periods of sunshine, lasts from June to September, with temperatures ranging fro m 80ºF to 89ºF (27ºC to 32ºC). The amount of rainfall varies with topography. The northeast receives the least rain, while the south is flooded during the summer months. The best time to visit Thailand is during the cool season, from October though February, when it is not as humid as during the summer and the rainy seasons. The average temperature is around 65ºF to 89ºF (18ºC to 32ºC). During this season, it can be very chilly in the north, with temperatures dropping to 44ºF (7ºC) at night.

Bangkok usually suffers several floods during the rainy season, when roads become impassable, and the only way of getting from A to B is to wade through swirling, filthy water. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict when this may happen, but October is usually the worst month for flooding.


Yes - Chai (chy) No - Mai chai (my chy) Thank you - Kob khun No, thank you - Mai ow kob khun I/me/my - Pom You/your - Khun I want - Pom ow Don�t want - Mai ow Hello - Sawàt-dee How are you? - Sabai dee mai? I'm fine - Sabai dee Excuse me - Kor-tord Please - Kaluna/Kor When? - Merr-alai ? Today - Wan-nee Tomorrow - Pung-nee How much? - Tow rai? I do not understand - Mai kow chai

Bangkok - an overview

Bangkok, known to Thais as Krungthep (which means City of Angels) is the capital of Thailand. Its name conjures up exotic images of mysterious temples with charming oriental people dressed in colorful costumes and behaving as if they were starring in The King and I with Yul Brynner. Forget it. Bangkok and the Thais were never like that. In truth, Bangkok is an ugly, crowded, sprawling and very polluted city. The song �One night in Bangkok� was actually quite accurate in its description of the Thai capital.

So, why go there? Because the only part of the city�s reputation which is true is that there are more prostitutes catering to all tastes than you could imagine. What you, as a Westerner, sees on a brief holiday visiting red-light districts which cater to foreigners, is only the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of Thai prostitutes serve local clients.

Fortunately, there is more than enough to go round. There are thousands of shemales in bars and nightclubs in Bangkok, just waiting for you to come by.

But first, let me continue describing Bangkok.

Population and environs:

Estimates of the population of the City of Angels range from 6 million to 10 million. These people are squeezed into a city which is almost bursting at the seams. There are too many cars for the capital�s meager road network, resulting in chronic traffic congestion. Getting around the city can be extremely frustrating at times, as some major roads have traffic jams 24 hours a day. Air pollution is another hazard.

Most of the capital�s problems are caused by lack of planning and construction zoning. Regulations are usually ignored by real estate developers anyway. The result is a sprawling, haphazard mess. Bangkok resembles a Chinese boom town more than the center of Siamese culture. This is hardly surprising, though, because approximately 50% of Bangkokians are ethnic Chinese. Even in 1997, in the midst of a so-called economic slump, Bangkok still gives the impression it is booming. Everywhere you look, new concrete towers are springing up in the urban jungle.

The city is just over 200 years old, and its cultural heart is Rattanakosin. This area was built on a bend in the River Chao Phraya, and was turned into an island by the construction of several canals. Here, you will find the royal palace, main temples and parliament. Rattanakosin was meant to reflect the glory of the previous capital of Thailand (then known as Siam), Ayutthaya. Bangkok derived its nickname �the Venice of the East� because of the network of canals centered on Rattanakosin, providing access to the city�s most revered temples, as well as government offices and mansions of the aristocracy.

Tourists visit Rattanakosin by the coachload every day for a glimpse of Thai culture. Frankly, it isn�t worth the effort. If you want to see Buddhist temples, go to Kathmandu (Nepal), Yogyakarta (Indonesia) or Thaxila (Pakistan). The local creations look like they are made of plastic and were designed by Liberace.

If you really crave an insight into Thai culture, visit Ayutthaya, Sukhothai or Chiang Mai. One-day package tours to Ayutthaya are readily available, but Sukhothai and Chiang Mai are several hundred kilometers away.


One of Bangkok�s major pluses is that there are numerous shopping malls and plazas which offer respite from the heat and smog outside. A typical shopping center will offer a variety of restaurants and specialists� stores, cinemas offering English language and Thai films, an indoor funfair plus at least one department store. Some centers have bowling alleys, skating rinks and water parks. A few even offer indoor go-karting and roller coasters.

These shopping centers are generally very clean and spacious. They provide a comfortable, cool alternative to the public parks one would expect to find in a major city. Sadly, there are very few parks in Bangkok, and they tend to be extremely crowded at weekends.

The most popular of these centers are:-

World Trade Center - right in the middle of Bangkok. This plaza offers the usual shopping and dining facilities plus several cinemas and an ice skating rink. The outdoor terrace is a pleasant place to take a stroll and maybe have a drink after the Sun goes down.

Seacon Square - south-east of the city, near the main highway to Pattaya. This is one of the biggest shopping plazas in the world: three department stores, plus assorted shops and restaurants, a dozen cinemas, bowling alley, funfair with rides and activities for adults as well as kids. Most weekends, there will be a concert or live performance of some kind or other.

Central City Bang Na - just around the corner from Seacon, on the highway to Pattaya. This place has an indoor go-kart track, plus a water park on the roof. Swimming trunks, towels etc. can be hired on the premises for a modest fee. Combine a trip with Seacon Square for an interesting day out.

Future Park Rangsit - way out past the airport. Usual shopping and dining options, plus large outdoor funfair.

Bangkok has a huge selection of restaurants representing nearly every cuisine on Earth. More about these later.

Greater Bangkok

Central bangkok

Getting to Bangkok


All visitors must have a passport valid at least six months beyond than their intended stay in Thailand. Those who are staying for 15 days or less and have a ticket for an onward journey may enter the country without a visa. Visitors who stay longer than n their limit are fined B100 for each day upon departure at the airport. Foreign nationals who intend to stay more than 15 days must obtain a visa in advance from a Thai diplomatic mission.

Temporary visitors to Thailand for the purpose of pleasure who are exempted from applying for entry visa must be of the nationality of and holding valid passports or traveling documents issued by:

EUROPE ASIA AFRICA PACIFIC AMERICAS AustriaBelgium*Denmark*FinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlands*NorwayPortugalSloveniaSpain*SwedenSwitzerlandU.K.(England) BahrainBruneiIndonesiaIsraelJapanKuwaitMalaysiaMyanmarOmanPhilippinesQatar*Republic of KoreaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeTurkeyUnited Arab Emirates AlgeriaDjiboutiEgyptKenyaMauritaniaMoroccoSenegalSouth AfricaTunisiaYemen AustraliaFiji*New ZealandPapua New GuineaVanuatuWestern Samoa ArgentinaBrazilCanadaMexicoU.S.A.

They must enter the Kingdom by passenger transports such as aircraft or sea-going vessels of 500 registered tons and up, or through channels of Immigration check-points or border check-points on the Malaysian boundary, or enter by means of passenger aircraft, sea-going vessel, rail, bus. taxi, touring coach or hired motor-cycle and having:-

1. Fully paid ticket or other document belonging to the vehicle owner or to the operator of the vehicle which is to be used for leaving the Kingdom within the period specified, or

2. Documentary evidence of the owner or operator of the vehicle showing fully paid reservation for the departure from the Kingdom within the period specified.

Exempted are Malaysian nationals entering the Kingdom by means of bus, hired car, touring coach or hired motor-cycle through Immigration check-points or border check-points bordering on Malaysian territory, who need not have traveling ticket or document mentioned under Items 1 and 2.

Persons meeting the above conditions are exempted from visa and are permitted to remain in the Kingdom for a period not exceeding thirty days from the day of entry. They are not allowed to extend their stay for more than thirty days, unless under unforeseen circumstances such as illness or delay of aircraft departure. Visitors wishing to stay in the Kingdom for more than thirty day, are advised to apply for entry visa from Thai diplomatic mission in their countries. In the event there are no Thai diplomatic missions, they may apply to missions in neighboring countries, or forward their request and supporting evidence to the Immigration Division, Soi Suan Phlu, Sathon Tai Rd, Bangkok 10120 Tel. 2873101-10

*The nationals of Republic of Korea, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden, holding valid passports, may enter Thailand as temporary visitors without obtaining a visa provided their intended stay does not exceed three months.

Visitors to Thailand may obtain visas on arrival at:-

1. Don Muang-Airport (Bangkok) 2. Chiang Mai Airport 3. Phuket Airport 4. Hat Yai Airport

The Immigration offices in these airports will issue tourist visas valid for 15 days to the nationals of 82 countries listed below.

Americas: Antigua & Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bolivia: Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Dominica; Dominican Republic, Ecuador; Grenada; Guatemala; Haiti: Honduras; Jamaica; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; St. Christopher & Nevis; St. Lucia; St. Vincent & the Grenadines; Surinam; Trinidad & Tobago: Uruguay; and Venezuela.

Asia: Bhutan; Cyprus; India; and Maldives:

Africa: Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoros; Cote D'ivoire; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia; Gabon; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Lesotho: Liberia: Malawi; Mali; Mauritius; Niger; Rwanda ; Sao Tome and Principe: Seychelles: Sierra Leone; Somalia; Swaziland; Tanzania; Togo; Uganda: Zaire; Zambia; and Zimbabwe.

Pacific: Kiribati; Nauru; Tonga; Solomon Islands; and Tuvalu.

Europe: Albania; Andorra; Bulgaria; Liechtenstein; Malta; Monaco; San Marino; and the Vatican.

The visitors must carry a valid passport or other travel document issued by that country. They must also have a fully paid ticket which enables them to travel out of the kingdom within the stipulated time. The application for a visa must be accompanied by a photograph as well as the necessary fee.

VALIDITY OF VISAS Every kind of visa is valid for a 90 day period from the date of issue.


Transit Visa...................30 days Tourist Visa...................60 days Non-Immigrant Visa......90 days

Note : Please check the period of stay stamped in your passport with the Immigration officer.


Apply for extensions of stay at the Immigration office. Fee does not exceed 500 Baht.


Application fee for re-entry permit does not exceed 500 Baht.


Not required.


No inoculations or vaccination are required unless you are coming from or passing through contaminated areas. In addition, yellow fever certificates are required for those who are coming from endemic or infected area. Please check the latest regulation with your local Health Office.

Note : For the safety from certain infectious diseases you might acquire from abroad, please note within 14 days after arrival if you are ill with the following symptoms:

1. Fever with rash 2. Fever with jaundice 3. Acute diarrhea

You are requested to contact or notify the Health Officer at

1. Department of Communicable Disease Control in Ministry of Public Health, Tiwanon Road, Bangkok, Tel. 5918429 (8.30-16.30 hrs. from Monday to Friday) 2. Bamrasnaradun Infectious Disease Hospital, Nonthaburi, Tel. 5883116 (24 hour services) for advice of medical services accordingly

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is an excellent source of information on a wide variety of issues concerning visits to Thailand. Contact them before you go to the nearest Thai consulate as they are more likely to have the information you need. The TAT has the following international offices:-

Tourism Authority of Thailand 12th Floor, Royal Exchange Bldg. 56 Pitt Street Sydney, 2000 Australia Tel (02) 247-7549

Office National du Tourisme de Thailand 90, Ave des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris France Tel (01) 4562-8656

Thailandisches Fremdenverkehrsburo Bethmannstrasse 58 D-6000 Frankfurt Germany Tel (069) 295704

Ente Nazionale per il Turismo Thailandese Via Barberini, 50 00187 Roma Italy Tel (06) 487-3479

Tourism Authority of Thailand Hibiya Mitsui Bldg. 1-2 Yuracucho 1-chome Chyada-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel (03) 3580-6776

Tourism Authority of Thailand Rm. #2003 20th Flr. Coryo Daeyungak Center Bldg. 25-5 , 1-Ka, Chungmu-Ro Chung-ku, Seoul South Korea Tel (02) 779-5418

Tourism Authority of Thailand 2B Central Commercial Bldg. 16-18 Nanking West Road Section 4, Taipei Taiwan Tel (02) 778-2735

Tourism Authority of Thailand 49 Albermarle Street London WIX3FE United Kingdom Tel (071) 499-7679

USA: Tourism Authority of Thailand 5 World Trade Center, Suite 3443 New York, NY Tel 212-432-0433

Tourism Authority of Thailand 3440 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA Tel 213-382-2353

Tourism Authority of Thailand 303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 400 Chicago, IL Tel 312-819-3990

Thailand has diplomatic relations with nearly every country in the world. Below is a list of addresses of Thai embassies in countries which are the main source of tourists to the kingdom:-


Austria Royal Thai Embassy Weimarer Strasse 68 A-1180 Vienna Phone 3103423, 3101630, 3108988

Belgium Royal Thai Embassy Square du Val de la Cambre 2 1050 Brussels Phone (322) 6406810, 6401986 - Fax: (322) 6483066

Czech Republic Royal Thai Embassy Romaina Rollanda 3 160 00 PRAGUE 6 - Bubence Phone (0422) 381140, 381149 - Fax: (0422) 370646

Denmark Royal Thai Embassy Norgesmindevej 18 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen Phone 31 62 50 10, 31 62 52 57 - Fax: 31 62 50 59

France Royal Thai Embassy 8 Rue Greuze 75116 PARIS Phone (33-1) 47043222, 47046892, 47278079 - Fax : (33-1) 47556713

Germany Royal Thai Embassy Ubierstrasse 65 D-53173 Bonn Phone (0228) 956860 - Fax: (0228) 363702

Greece Royal Thai Embassy 23 Taigetou Street P.O. Box 65215 Paleo Psychico 15452 Athens Phone (301) 6717969, 6710155 - Fax : (301) 6479508 Hungary Royal Thai Embassy Verecke ut.79 1025 Budapest Phone (36-1) 1689421, 1689422, 2500727 - Fax: (36-1) 2501580, 1882347

Italy Royal Thai Embassy Via Bertoloni 26B, I-00197 Rome Phone (0039 6) 8078379, 8081381, 8078695, 8078719 - Fax : (0039 6) 8078693

Netherlands Royal Thai Embassy 1 Buitenrustweg 2517 KD. The Hague Phone 070 345-2088, 345-9703, 345-0632 - Fax: 070 345-1929

Norway Royal Thai Embassy Munkedamsveien 59 B 0270 Oslo Phone (47) 22832517, 22832518 - Fax : 22830384

Poland Royal Thai Embassy ul. Staroscinska 1B m. 2-3 02-516 Warsaw Phone (4822) 492655,496414, 494730,491406 - Fax: (4822) 492630

Portugal Royal Thai Embassy Rua de Alcolena , 12, Restelo 1400 Lisbon Phone (3511) 3014848,3015051, 3017171 - Fax : (3511) 3018181

Romania Royal Thai Embassy 44-48 Strada Mihai Eminescu Etaj 2, Apartamentul 5 Bucharest Phone (401) 2101338, 2103447 - Fax : (401) 2102600

Russia Royal Thai Embassy Eropkinsky Pereulok 3 Moscow 119034 Phone (095) 2014893, 2013989, 2012715, 2012853 - Fax: (095) 2302004, 2102853

Spain Royal Thai Embassy Calle Del Segra, 29-2 A 28002 Madrid Phone 5632903, 5637959 - Fax : (91) 5640033

Sweden Royal Thai Embassy Floragatan 3 114 31 Stockholm Box 26220 100 40 Stockholm Phone 08-791 73 40 - Fax: 08-791 73 51

Switzerland Royal Thai Embassy 60 Eigerstrasse (5. Stock) CH-3007 Bern Phone (031) 372-2281-2 - Fax: (031) 372-0757

Turkey Royal Thai Embassy Cankaya Cad. Kader Sok. 45/3-4 06700 Gaziosmanpasa ANKARA Phone (90-312) 4673409, 4673059 - Fax: (90-312) 438-6474

United Kingdom Royal Thai Embassy 29-30 Queen's Gate London, SW7 5JB Phone 071-5890173, 5892944 - Fax: (071) 8239695


Argentina Royal Thai Embassy Virrey del Pino 2458-6 Piso 1426 Buenos Aires Tel. (541) 785-6504, 6521, 6532 - Fax: (541) 785-6548

Brazil Royal Thai Embassy Lote 10-Setor de Embaixadas Norte Avenida das Nacoes Norte P.O. Box 10-2460 70.433 - Brasilia, DF. Tel. (061) 2246943, 2247943, 2235105 - Fax: (061) 3212994, 2237502

Canada Royal Thai Embassy 180 Island Park Drive Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y OA2 Tel. (613) 722-4444, 729-5235 - Fax: (613) 722-6624

Chile Royal Thai Embassy Monsenor Sotero Sanz 55, of 101 Providencia SANTIAGO TEL. (56-2) 3340652, 3340654 - Fax: (56-2) 3340655

Mexico Royal Thai Embassy Sierra Vertientes 1030 Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mexico, D.F. Tel. (52-5) 596-1290, 596-8446 - Fax: (52-5) 596-8236

USA Royal Thai Embassy 1024 Wisconsin Avenue N.W., Suite 401 Washington, D.C. 20007 Tel. (202) 944-3600 - Fax: (202) 944-3611


Bangladesh Royal Thai Embassy House No. NW(E) 12 Road No.59 Gulshan Model Town Dhaka Tel. (880 2) 601634, 601475 - Fax: (880 2) 883588

Brunei Royal Thai Embassy No.1 Simpang 52-86-16 Kampong Mata-Mata Gadong 3280 Bandar Seri Begawan Tel. 429653-4, 440360, 448331 - Fax 421775

Burma / Myanmar Royal Thai Embassy 45, Pyay Road YANGON Tel. 35670, 33082, 09-21567 - Fax: 951-22784

Cambodia Royal Thai Embassy No. 4, Boulevard Monivong Sangkat Srass Chork Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh Tel. (85523) 26182, 26124 - Fax: (85518) 810860

China Royal Thai Embassy 40 Guang Hua Lu Beijing 100600 Tel. 532-1903 - Fax: 532-1748

India Royal Thai Embassy 56-N, Nyaya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110021 Tel. 605679, 6118103, 6118104 - Fax: 6872029

Indonesia Royal Thai Embassy 74, Jalan Imam Bonjol Jakarta Pusat Tel. 3904225, 3904055 - Fax: 3107469

Iran Royal Thai Embassy Baharestan Avenue Park Amin-ed-Dowleh No. 4 P.O. Box 11495-111 Tehran Tel. (9821) 7531433, 7537708

Iraq Royal Thai Embassy House No.1, Street 28 Area 213 Hay Al-Kindi Baghdad P.O. Box 6062 Al-Mansour Tel. 5418798, 5426515 - Fax: 964-1-5426516

Japan Royal Thai Embassy 3-14-6, Kami-Osaki Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141 Tel.(03) 3441-1386, 1387, 7352, 7688, (03) 3447-2247 - Fax: (03) 3442-6750, 3442-6828

Korea Royal Thai Embassy 653-7, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-ku Seoul Tel. (822) 7953098, 7950095 - Fax: (822) 7983448

Kuwait Royal Thai Embassy Surra, Area No.3, Block No.49 Ali Bin Abi-Taleb Street Building No. 28. P.O. Box 66647 Bayan 43757 - Kuwait Tel. 5314870, 5317530-1, 5339243 - Fax: 5317532

Laos Royal Thai Embassy Route Phonekheng Vientiane P.O. Box 128 Tel. 214-581-3, 214-585-6 - Fax: (66) 1-411-0017

Malaysia Royal Thai Embassy 206 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel. (03) 2488222,2488350, 2488420,2458005 - Fax: (03) 2486527

Myanmar / Burma Royal Thai Embassy 45, Pyay Road YANGON Tel. 35670, 33082, 09-21567 - Fax: 951-22784

Nepal Royal Thai Embassy Jyoti Kendra Thapathali Kathmandu Tel. (977-1) 213910, 213912 - FAX : (977-1) 226599

New Zealand Royal Thai Embassy 2 Cook Street P.O. Box 17-226 Karori, Wellington Tel. 4768618, 4768619 - Fax: (04) 4763 677

Oman Royal Thai Embassy Villa 33-34 Road "O" Madinat Qaboos East, Muscat P.O. Box 60, M.Q. Postal Code 115, Muscat P.O. Box 3367 Ruwi Postal Code 112, Muscat Tel. (0968) 602683, 602684, 602685, 695250 - FAX: (0968) 605714

Pakistan Royal Thai Embassy 4, Street No.8 Shalimar F-8/3 Islamabad Tel. 859130, 859131, 859195, 852778 - Fax: (92-51) 256730

Philippines Royal Thai Embassy 107 Rada Street Legaspi Village, Makati Metro Manila P.O. Box 1228 Makati Central Post Office 1252 Makati, Metro Manila Tel. 8154220, 8160696-7, 8154219, 8174262, 8103833, 8128983 - Fax: 8154221

Russia Royal Thai Embassy Eropkinsky Pereulok 3 Moscow 119034 Tel. (095) 2014893, 2013989, 2012715, 2012853 - Fax: (095) 2302004, 2102853

Saudi Arabia Royal Thai Embassy Diplomatic Quarter Ibnu Banna Road P.O. Box 94359 Riyadh 11693 Tel. (966-1) 4881174, 4880797, 4880300 - Fax : (966-1) 4881179

Singapore Royal Thai Embassy 370 Orchard Road Singapore 0923 Tel. (65) 2354175, 7372158, 7373372, 7372644, 7372175-6 - Fax: (65) 7320778

Sri Lanka Royal Thai Embassy 43, Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara Mawatha Colombo 7 Tel. 697406, 689045, 689037 - Fax: 697516

Turkey Royal Thai Embassy Cankaya Cad. Kader Sok. 45/3-4 06700 Gaziosmanpasa ANKARA Tel. (90-312) 4673409, 4673059 - Fax: (90-312) 438-6474

United Arab Emirates Royal Thai Embassy Villa No.1 Plot No. 341 West 14/1 Al Rowdah P.O. Box 47466 Abu Dhabi Tel. (9712) 453-991, 431-279, 432-554 - Fax: (9712) 458-687

Vietnam Royal Thai Embassy 63-65 Hoang Dieu Street Hanoi Tel. (844) 235-092-94 - Fax: (844) 235-088


Duty-Free Items: Cigarettes, cigars or smoking tobacco must not exceed a total of 250 grams in weight. Cigarettes not exceeding 200 in quantity and one litter of wine or spirits may be brought in free of duty. One still camera or one movie camera, five rolls of still camera film or three rolls of 8 to 16mm movie camera film may be brought into the country. All kinds of narcotics and obscene literature, pictures or articles are prohibited.

Arriving in Bangkok

Like most Third World destinations, Bangkok airport is a minefield of hassles and rip-offs. The most convenient way to arrive at your hotel with a minimum of headaches is to use the following procedure:-

The most hassle-free method is to book your hotel from your home country and arrange for hotel representatives to collect you at the airport. (See section on hotels.) Most hotels, especially the larger ones, are willing to do this for the same charge as an ordinary taxi fare.

If you were unable to do this, then once you have gone through Customs & Immigration and collected your luggage, go straight to a currency exchange booth within the area reserved exclusively for arriving passengers, and change the equivalent of about $20 to cover the taxi fare.

Then proceed to the taxi counter located in the general area of the arrivals lounge. Ignore all touts within the arrival hall.

Book a metered taxi to your destination. Non-metered taxis are generally more expensive, and tend to be older, dilapidated cars with poor air-conditioning. Before you get into your taxi, make sure the driver understands that you are not going to accept any story about the meter being broken. Be polite, but firm on this point.

There are two elevated expressways linking the airport to central Bangkok. They are the most convenient route into town, so allow the taxi driver to use them. You should pay the tolls which are Bt 20 and Bt 30 respectively.

Make sure the driver knows which hotel you want to go to, and don�t let him talk you into going anywhere else. When you arrive, if neither you nor your driver has sufficient change, then the hotel will be glad to assist you.


Police: 191 Tourist Police: 195

Fire: 199 Ambulance: (02) 252-2171

International Access Code: Call directory assistance: 13 (Bangkok), and 183 (other) to speak with an English-speaking operator.

Country Code: 66

City Codes: Bangkok: 02 Chiang Mai: 053 Pattaya: 038 Phuket: 076 Koh Samui: 077 Hat Yai: 074

When calling from within the same city, delete the city code from the number. When calling to another city within Thailand, use the entire city code. When calling from outside Thailand, delete the first digit (0) from the city code.

Don Muang International Airport Located 14 miles (22km) north of Bangkok Vibhavadi Rangsit Hwy. Tel (02) 535-1301 or (02) 535-1254

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Tourist Assistance Center 4 Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue Bangkok 10100 Tel (02) 281-5051 or (02) 282-8129 Fax: (02) 280-1998

TAT Airport Office Arrival Lounge Bangkok International Airport Vibhavadi Rangsit Road Bangkok 10210 Tel (02) 523-8972 or Tel (02) 523-8973

Other TAT offices in Thailand: Cha-am: Tel (032) 471502 Chiang Mai: Tel (053) 248604 or (053) 248607 Chiang Rai: Tel (053) 717433 Hat Yai: Tel (074) 243747 Kanchanaburi: Tel (034) 511200 Khon Kaen: Tel (043) 244498 or (043) 244499 Nakhon Ratchasima: Tel (044) 243751 Nakhon Si Thammarat: Tel (075) 356356 Pattayà: Tel (038) 428750 Phitsanulok: Tel (055) 252742 or (055) 252743 Phuket: Tel (076) 211036 or (076) 212213 Surat Thani: Tel (077) 281828 Ubon Ratchathani: Tel (045) 243770 or (045) 243771

Airlines: Air Canada: (02) 233-5900 Air France: (02) 233-9477 American Airlines: (02) 252-3520 Bangkok Airways: (02) 535-2498 British Airways: (02) 236-8655 Canadian Airlines: (02) 251-4521 Cathay Pacific: (02) 233-6105 China Airlines: (02) 253-4438 Continental Airlines: (02) 231-0113 Delta Airlines: (02) 237-6837 Japan Airlines: (02) 233-2440 Korean Airlines: (02) 234-9283 Philippine Airlines: (02) 233-2350 Qantas: (02) 235-9193 Singapore Airlines: (02) 236-0440 Swissair: (02) 233-2930 Thai: (02) 233-3810 TWA: (02) 233-7290 United Airlines: (02) 251-6006


Accommodations in Bangkok

Bangkok�s horrendous traffic, coupled with the fact that there is so little else to do in the city besides go to bars, means that you are best off choosing an hotel which is within walking distance of at least one of the red light areas covered in this survey. Prices for an air-conditioned room, in central Bangkok range from Bt 500 at a guest house to Bt 5,000 or more at a five star establishment.

You are strongly advised to book your hotel before you arrive in Thailand, either by yourself or through a travel agent. You will get a better room rate this way, and also will avoid many of the hassles associated with traveling from the airport to the hotel.

(There is nothing wrong with getting a metered taxi off the street to take you from the hotel to the airport, however. Taxi drivers very rarely give tourists any hassles traveling in that direction, and they are often cheaper than the hotel�s own service.)

Most of the hotels in the list below are convenient for at least one major red light area. The exception are the short-time hotels. Any hotel you see which has just numbers for a name is a short-time hotel. The same applies to establishments with names like �Privacy�, �Love Inn�, �40 Winks�, �Playboy� etc. These hotels vary in terms of quality just like any other hotel. They are designed for people to go and have sex either for a short-time or all night without any questions being asked..

If you arrive without a companion, they will provide one for you. They are more used to providing girls, but they can usually find a shemale or two for you. Please bear in mind that you have to pay for their procuring services, in addition to the girl�s fee. Also bear n mind that you can not pick and choose if you use this service.

The following is a comprehensive list of hotels in Bangkok:-


Company name: 32 Hotel Short-time/Brothel 75 Inthamara Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 271-1995-6

Company name: 35 Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 594/23 Soi Phyanark, Petchburi Rd. Bangkok Tel; (662) 215-7281, 215-7333

Company name: 39 Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 43 Soi Siriammart, Bunsiri Rd. Bangkok Tel; (662) 224-2005, 224-2021

Company name: 444 Hotel Co. Ltd. Short-time/Brothel Address: 1103 Gp 1 Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel; (662) 323-1655-8

Company Name: A Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: Soi Ngam Duplee No. 28, Rama 4 Rd., Bangkok

Company Name: A&B Hotel Co., Ltd. Nana Plaza Address: 1091/336 New Phetburi Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-0500-9,255-0319-29

Company Name: A-One Bangkok Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 9 Soonwijai 4, New Petchburi Rd., Bangkok 10310 Tel: (662) 718-1030-44 Fax: (662) 319-8230

Company Name: Accor Asia Pacific (Very close to Patpong) Address: 23 Fl. Wall Street Tower, 33/117 Suriwongse Rd. Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 267-0810 Ext. 1701 Fax: (662) 237-1308

Company Name: Acina Hotel Corporation Co., Ltd. (Patpong) Address: 316 Silom, Bangkok Tel: (662) 237-8625-6

Company Name: AGS Co., LTd. (Nana Plaza) Address: 132 Sukhumvit, Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-3701

Company Name: Altea Regency Park Bangkok 2* - (Soi Cowboy) Address: 12/3 Soi Sainamthip, Sukhumvit 22, Bangkok Tel: (662) 259-7420

Company Name: Amari Boulevard Hotel 3* - (Nana Plaza) Address: 2 Soi 5, Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-2930, 255-2940 Fax: (662) 255-2950

Company Name: Amarin Hotel (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 526 Ploenchit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 251-0296

Company Name: Ambassador Bangkok 3* - (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 171 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Average rooms, but excellent facilities Tel: (662) 254-0444 Fax: (662) 253-4123, 254-7506

Company Name: Amornchai Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 40 Soi Nana Nua, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-0287, 253-3272

Company name: AQUARIUS HOUSE An excellent source of information Address: 243 AQUARIUS HOUSE, as well as accommodation Soi Hutayon, Suanphlu, South Sathorn Rd., Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel: (662) 286-0217, (662) 286-2174 Fax: (662) 286-0217, (662) 286-2174 Email Address: [email protected] Product line: Guest House with 15 rooms, equipped with air-conditioning, hot-cold water, telephone, mini-bar Remarks: Exclusively for gay men and lesbians, lounge garden bar, Home-restaurant, men massage therapist and guide-tour with private car. Special discount 5% for booking through Internet

Company Name: Ariston Hotel 2* - (Soi Cowboy) Address: 19 Sukhumvit 24 Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 259-0960-69 Fax: (662) 259-0970

Company Name: Baiyoke Suite Hotel (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 130 Rajaprarop, Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-0330-41 Fax: (662) 663-5774

Company Name: Bangkok Centre Hotel 3* - (Patpong) Address: 328 Rama IV Rd, Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 238-4818-57, 238-4980-99 Fax: (662) 236-1862

Company Name: Bangkok Hilton Hotel Co., Ltd. 4/5* - (Nana Plaza) Address: 1091/336 New Petchburi Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-5322-4 Fax: (662) 253-0556

Company Name: Bangkok Hotel Co., Ltd. (Patpong) Address: 672/19 Hong Kong Bank, Siphaya Bangkok Tel: (662) 236-5738

Company Name: Bangkok Inn (Nana Plaza) Tel: (662) 254-4834-7 Fax: (662) 254-3545

Company Name: Bangkok Peninsula Hotel (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 155-7 Soi Mahadlekluang, Rajadamri Town: Bangkok Tel: (662) 251-6607

Company Name: Bel-Aire Princess Hotel 2* - (Nana Plaza) Address: 16 Sukhumvit Rd., Sukhumvit Soi 5 Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-4300-30 Fax: (662) 255-8850, 254-2241

Company Name: Belmont International Hotels PTE Ltd. (Soi Cowboy) Address: 6 D Fairview Tower, 40/4 Sukhumvit Soi 18 Bangkok 10110 Tel/Fax: (662) 260-5617

Company Name: Blue House (95) Motel Short-time/Brothel Address: 426 Phra Sumen, Bangkok Tel: (662) 281-6814

Company Name: Boston Inn Ngam Duphlee - Address: 4 Soi Ngamduplee, Rama IV Bangkok Tel: (662) 286-1680, 286-0726 Also known as OD House because of the number of junkies who fucked up there

Company Name: Business Inn (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 155/4-5 Sukhumvit Rd. Soi 11, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-7981-4 Fax: (662) 255-7159

Company Name: Carlton Inn (Soi Cowboy) Tel: (662) 258-0471-2 On very noisy road Fax: (662) 258-3717

Company Name: Chavala Motel Short-time/Brothel Address: 1055/3 Soi Yawaraj, Sukhumvit 71 Bangkok Tel: (662) 391-1665

Company Name: Chavalit Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 169-71 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-7512, 254-7521, 254-7500-9

Company Name: Schiller's Inn (Nana Plaza) Address: 77-77/3 Sukhumvit Soi 3 Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-8200-4 Owned & run by Indians, so quite cheap but.....

Company Name: Chitrdej Co., Ltd. (Patpong) Address: 343 Surawong Rd, Bangkok Tel: 235-8770-7, 235-8780-6

Company Name: City Hotel Co., Ltd. (Soi Cowboy) Address: 9 Sukhumvit Soi 24, Bangkok Tel: (662) 259-0713, 258-8612-6, 258-7772

Company Name: City Inn (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 888/37-9 Ploenchit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 252-1552,254-2070 Fax: (662) 254-2071

Company Name: City Lodge (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: Sukhumvit Soi 9 8/2-6 Sukhumvit Soi 19, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-7759, 254-4783-5 Fax: (662) 255-4667, 255-7340 Owned & run by Indians, so quite cheap, but the usual problems associated with Indians - the smell and lack of hygiene.

Company Name: Clarion Hotel Trinity (Patpong) Tel: (662) 231-5415

Company Name: Comfort Inn (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 153/11-14 Soi 11, Sukhumvit Rd. Owned & run by Indians Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-3559, 261-3948 Fax: (662) 254-3562

Company Name: Comfort The Promenade Hotel (Nana Plaza) 18 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-4116 Fax: (662) 254-7707

Company Name: Crown Hotel (Soi Cowboy) Often used as a short-time hotel. Address: 503 Soi Sukhumvit 29, Bangkok Tel: (662) 258-0318-9, 262-0434

Company Name: Danish-Thai Co., Ltd. (Nana Plaza) Address: 39 Sukhumvit Rd. + 51/10 Sukhumvit Soi 8, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-3410, 253-5122, 253-5125

Company Name: Delta Grand Pacific Hotel 4* - (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 259 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 255-2440, 254-4998 Fax: (662) 651-1080, 255-2441 Staff are very snotty. Don�t try to bring anyone back to your room.

Company Name: Dusit Thani Hotel 5* (Patpong) Address: Dusit Thani Bldg., 4 Fl., Rama IV Rd., Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 236-0450-9 Fax: (662) 238-4797, 236-6400

Company Name: Dynasty Inn (Nana Plaza) Tel: (662) 250-1397 Fax: (662) 252-9930 Cheap & cheerful, but a favorite with DEA/CIA/Customs/Police types on a budget.

Company Name: East Hotel (Soi Cowboy) Address: 241 Soi Asoke, Sukhumvit Rd. Town: Bangkok Tel: (662) 258-3600

Company Name: Embassy Suites Windsor Palace (Soi Cowboy) Address: 8 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 262-1234, 258-0160 Fax: (662) 262-1212, 258-1491, 258-1522

Company Name: Erawan Hotel 4/5* - (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 494 Rajadamri Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 252-9100-24, 251-3568-71 Fax:(662) 255-4528

Company Name: Estoria Hotel Co. Ltd. (Ngam Duphlee) Address: 17 Soi Ngarmduplee, Rama IV Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 287-0053-4

Company Name: Federal Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 27 Sukhumvit Soi 11, Bangkok Tel: (662) 252-5143, 253-0175-6 Fax: (662) 253-5332 Quite cheap. Staff can probably find you a friend.

Company Name: Fortuna Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 19 Soi 5 Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 251-5121-7

Company Name: Golden Gate Hotel Co. Ltd. (Nana Plaza) Address: 22/3 Soi 2 Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 251-5354, 252-8126

Company Name: Goldhill Resources Development Co. Ltd. (Patpong) Address: 699-701 Silom Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 234-6480-3, 236-8645-50

Company Name: Grace Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 12 Soi Nana Nua, Sukhumvit 3 Rd., Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 253-0651-79 Fax: (662) 253-6509 Usually full of Arabs/Africans. Coffee shop is major pick-up joint for freelancers. Quite cheap & surprisingly good facilities.

Company Name: Grand Inn (Nana Plaza) 2/7-8 Soi 3 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-9021-5 Fax: (662) 254-9020

Company Name: Group 27 Hotel Co. Ltd. Short-time/Brothel Address: 81 Soi Sainamthip Sukhumvit Rd. Very cheap, but rather run-down Bangkok Tel: (662) 259-5850-1

Company Name: Hampton Inn Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 29/117 Sukhumvit Soi 3, Bangkok Tel: (662) 655-4980-99 Fax: (662) 285-6408, 655-4940

Company Name: Hilton International Bangkok 4/5* (Nana Plaza) Address: Nai Lert Park, #2 Wireless Road Bangkok 10330 Tel: (662) 253-0123 Fax: (662) 253-6509, 255-7491, 250-0999

Company Name: Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza 4* (Patpong) Address: 981 Silom Rd, Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 238-4300 Fax: (662) 238-5289

Company Name: Honey Hotel Co. Ltd. (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 31 Soi Watana 19 Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-0646-7, 253-0648-9 Company Name: Julie 21 Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 241 Soi Asoke, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 258-5921

Company Name: Le Meridien President Bangkok 4* (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 971 Ploenchit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 653-2201-7, 253-0444 Fax: (662) 653-2208-9

Company Name: Malaysia Hotel (Ngam Duphlee/Patpong) Address: 54 Soi Ngamduplee, Rama 4 Rd., Bangkok 10120 Tel: (662) 287-1457-8, 679-7127-36 Fax: (662) 286-3582, 287-1457-8 You could probably sacrifice newborn babies in your room, here, and nobody would complain so long as you paid your bills on time.

Company Name: Mandarin Hotel 4/5* (Patpong) Address: 662 Rama 4 Rd, Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 238-0230-58 Fax: (662) 234-3363, 237-1620

Company Name: Manhattan Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 13 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Klongtoey Owned & run by Indians Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 255-0166-88 Fax: (662) 255-3481

Company Name: Manohra Hotel (Patpong) Address: 412 Surawong Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 234-5070-88 Fax: (662) 237-7662, 266-5411

Company Name: Maxim's Inn (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 131/21-3 Soi 9 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 252-9911-2, 651-0047-8 Fax: (662) 253-5329

Company Name: Miami Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 2 Soi Saengchan, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 253-0369, 253-5611-3, 253-1320 Fax: (662) 253-1266

Company Name: Monarch Lee Gardens Hotel 3/4* (Patpong) Address: 188 Silom Rd, Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 238-1991 Fax: (662) 238-1988, 238-1999

Company Name: Nana Hotel (Right opposite Nana Plaza) Address: 4 Soi Nana Tai, Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-0361-9, 255-0400-3, 252-0121 Fax: (662) 255-1769

Company Name: Narai Hotel 2/3* (Patpong) Address: 222 Silom Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 237-0100-34 Fax: (662) 236-7161

Company Name: Narry's Inn (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 155/22 Soi 11/1 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-9184-5, 651-0179-83 Owned & run by Indians

Company Name: New Peninsula Hotel (Patpong) Address: 295/3 Surawongse Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 234-3910-7 Fax: (662) 236-5526

Company Name: New Trocadero (Patpong) Address: 343 Surawong Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 234-8920-9 Fax: (662) 234-8929

Company name: Park Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 6 Sukhumvit Soi 7, Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-4546, 255-4300 Fax; (662) 255-4309

Company Name: President Hotel and Tower 4* (Nana Plaza/Patpong) Address: 139/4 Gaysorn Plaza, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-0444, 253-7565

Company Name: Quality Inn Co. Ltd. (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 8/6-7 Sukhumvit 19, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-4783-5, 255-2930-5

Company name: Quality Pinnacle Hotel 2/3* (Ngam Duphlee/Patpong) Address: 17 Soi Ngarmduplee, Rama 4 Rd., Bangkok 10120 Tel: (662) 287-0111-3 Fax; (662) 287-3420

Company Name: Rajah Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 18 Soi Nana Tai, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 255-0040-83 Fax: (662) 255-7160

Regal Landmark Hotel 4* (Nana Plaza) Sukhumvit Rd. Excellent dining facilities Tel : 254-0404, 254-0424

Company Name: Rich Inn Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Tel: (662) 259-1963-4 Fax: (662) 259-1966

Company Name: Rose Hotel (Patpong) Address: 118 Surawongse Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 233-7695-7, 266-8268-72 Fax: (662) 234-6381, 266-8096 Often used for short-time.

Company Name: Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel 5* (Patpong) Address: 2 Captain Bush Lane, Siphaya Rd. Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 237-0022, 266-0123 Fax: (662) 236-8320, 236-6656

Company Name: Royal Parkview Hotel (Soi Cowboy) Address: 19/9 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Bangkok Tel: (662) 261-8991-9 Fax: (662) 259-9257

Company Name: Sarina (59) Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 2/11 Soi Rangnam, Phyathai Rd. Bangkok Tel: (662) 245-1401-3, 245-4850

Company Name: Sathorn Inn (Patpong) Address: 9/4 Soi Sueksavittaya, Silom Rd. Town: Bangkok Tel: (662) 234-4110, 238-1655-8 Fax: (662) 237-6668, 238-1617

Company Name: Shangri-La Hotel Co. Ltd. 5* (Patpong) Address: 89 Soi Wat Suan Plu, New Rd., Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 236-7777, 237-9900-29 Fax: (662) 236-8579-82

Company Name: Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit 4/5* (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 250 Sukhumvit Rd., Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 653-0334-44 Fax: (662) 285-6408, 653-0400, 255-7356

Company Name: Silom City Inn (Patpong) Address: 72 Soi Prachum, Surawongse Rd. Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 233-0680, 635-6211-5, 234-6923 Fax: (662) 237-1383

Company Name: Silom Plaza Hotel (Patpong) Address: 320 Silom Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 236-0333, 236-8441-84, Fax: (662) 236-7566-7

Company Name: Silom Street Inn (Patpong) Address: 284/11-13 Silom Rd., Bangkok Tel: (662) 238-4680-8 Fax: (662) 238-4689

Company Name: Stable Lodge Hotel (Nana Plaza) Address: 39 Sukhumvit Rd. Soi 8, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-3410-11, 653-0017-19 Fax: (662) 253-5125 Good Scandinavian food

Company Name: Sukhumvit Crown (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Tel: (662) 253-5672-4 Fax: (662) 253-5675

Company Name: Suriwongse Tower Inn (Patpong) Tel: (662) 235-1206-9 Fax: (662) 237-1482

Company Name: Swiss Park Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 155/23-24 Sukhumvit Soi 11 Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 254-0125-37 Fax: (662) 254-0375, 254-0378

Company Name: Tai-Pan Hotel (Soi Cowboy) Address: 25 Sukhumvit Soi 23, Bangkok Tel: (662) 260-9888-98 Fax: (662) 259-7908

Company Name: Tawana Ramada Hotel 3/4* (Patpong) Address: 80 Surawongse Rd., Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 236-0361-77, 238-0062-71 Fax: (662) 236-3738

Company Name: The Montien Hotel 4* (Patpong) Address: 54 Surawong Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 233-7060-9, 234-8060-9, 234 8070/9 Fax: (662) 236-5218-9

Company Name: The Oriental Hotel 5* (Patpong) Address: Soi Burapa, New Rd. The most famous hotel in Thailand Bangkok Very popular with VIPs Tel: (662) 236-0400-20 Fax: (662) 236-1939

Company Name: The Pan Pacific Hotel (Patpong) Address: 952 Rama IV Rd., Surawongse Rd. Bangkok 10500 Tel: (662) 632-9000 Fax: (662) 632-9001

Company Name: The Plaza Hotel Bangkok (Patpong) Address: 178 Suriwong Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 235-1760-79 Fax: (662) 237-0746

Company Name: The Regent Bangkok Hotel 4/5* (Patpong) Address: 155 Rajadamri Rd., Bangkok 10330 Tel: (662) 251-6127, 253-9810-29 Fax: (662) 254-7359, 253-9195

Company Name: The Somerset Hotel (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 10 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Bangkok Tel: (662) 254-8500-28 Fax: (662) 254-8534

Company Name: Thungmahamek Privacy Hotel Short-time/Brothel Address: 31 Soi Ngarmduplee, Bangkok Tel: (662) 286-2339, 286-881-2

Company Name: Tower Inn Hotel (Patpong) Address: 533 Silom Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 237-8300-4 Fax: (662) 237-8286

Company Name: Victory Hotel (Patpong) Address: 491/21 Silom Rd, Bangkok Tel: (662) 235-1089, 235-8939

Company Name: Wall Street Inn (Patpong) Tel: (662) 233-4144 Fax: (662) 236-3619

Company Name: White Inn (Nana Plaza) Address: 41 Soi Nana Tai, Bangkok Tel: (662) 252-7090, 251-1701-4

Company Name: World Inn (Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy) Address: 131/5-7 Sukhumvit Soi 9, Bangkok Tel: (662) 253-5391-2, 253-7727 Fax: (662) 253-7728

Wining and dining in Bangkok

Bangkok has a huge selection of restaurants, representing just about every cuisine on Earth. As with your choice of hotel, it makes sense to eat reasonably close to the nightlife areas in town. Fortunately, most of the best restaurants in Bangkok are in or around the capital�s red light areas.

The following fast food/franchise chains are in Bangkok:-

McDonalds, Wendy�s, Burger King, Carl�s Junior, Pizza Hut, Domino�s (delivery only), Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pop Eye�s, Hard Rock Cafe, Planet Hollywood, Tony Roma�s, TGIF, Swensens, TCBY, Dunkin� Donuts, Mr. Donut.

If you want to try something a little different, then how about Thai street food. Every street in Bangkok has at least one roadside vendor selling food of some kind or other. At all red light areas in Bangkok, you can vendors offering a huge range of snacks and complete meals at very low prices. Most Thai food is rather spicy, but the solution is to say �Kor mai ow pet...� when ordering the food. Barbecued meats, noodle soups, fried rice and noodles, curries, stews, fresh and pickled fruits and 1,001 ways to serve bananas (you have to see it to believe it) are among the offerings.

One word of advice. Have dinner before you go looking for sex. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, it is very easy to lose track of time and the number of drinks you have had once you start hitting the bars. Heavy drinking on an empty stomach, coupled with possible jet lag, is a nasty combination, guaranteed to spoil a night out. Secondly, it�s an unfortunate fact of life that many restaurants and their customers frown other customers bringing shemales with them. It�s not very tolerant, but you can�t change the attitudes of a whole country. Better to go with the flow on this one

If you are still not convinced then picture this.... There you are having the time of your life in a bar. There are two shemales with you. One is caressing your dick as only she knows how while you are fondling the other girl�s tits. You would like to go off to a short-time hotel and screw the asses off the pair of them, and that would take a couple of hours, at least. At the same time, you are hungry and want to eat. If you leave these girls while you get some dinner, they may not be there when you return. On the other hand, sex isn�t so much fun when you are famished.

Below is a list of places to eat in Bangkok:-


AKAMON High quality, expensive JapanesePrivate rooms available 213/7-9 Asoke Tower Asoke Rd. Tel : 252-5969, 252-5986 Soi Cowboy

ALL GAENGS Popular Thai curry house 173/8-9 Surawong Rd. Tel : 233-3301 Patpong

ASOKE CUCINA RESTAURANT Italian 139-139/1 Soi Asoke Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok 10100 Tel : 259-7729-30 Soi Cowboy

ATRIUM Possibly the best buffets in town are here Frequent changes in cuisine Landmark Hotel 138 Sukhumvit Rd. Nana Plaza

AKBAR'S Very good Indian food Quite cheap 1/4 Soi 3 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 253-3479, 255-6935 Nana Plaza

BAN KRUA Thai food 29/1 Soi Saladaeng 1 (Off Silom Rd.) Tel : 233-6912 Patpong

BUSSARACUM Thai food Patpong 35 Soi Pipat 2 Convent Rd. (Off Silom Rd.) Tel : 235-8915

BOBBY�S ARMS British style pub/restaurant Good food & Draught beer 114/1-2 Soi Charuwan Patpong 2 Rd. (Patpong Carpark) Tel : 233-6828 Patpong

BROWN SUGAR JAZZ PUB & RESTAURANT Thai food Popular nightspot 231/19-20 Sarasin Rd. Patpong Opp Lumpinee Park Bangkok 10330 Tel : 250-0103, 250-1026

BULL�S HEAD British style pub/restaurant Good food Draught beer Soi Cowboy

CHEZ JEAN LA GRENOUILLE French cusine Nana Plaza 220/4 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 252-0311

CAFE INDIA Popular Indian restaurant Patpong 460/8 Surawong Rd. Opp. Trocadero Hotel Bangkok Tel : 234-1720, 233-0419

CHIU CHAU Chinese Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Ambassador Hotel Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 254-0444, 255-0444

DELANEY�S Irish pub/restaurant Good food, but slow service In Convent Road opposite side of Silom Road to Patpong

EL GORDO'S CANTINA Mexican pub/restaurant Patpong 130/8 Silom Soi 8 Silom Rd. Opp Main Bangkok Bank, Bangkok Tel : 234-5470, 237-1415

FIREPLACE GRILL Steakhouse Nana Plaza/Patpong Le Meridien President Tel : 253-0444

GALAXY No hands restaurant Usually has topless dancers etc. 19 Rama IV Rd. Patpong Tel : 235--5000-9

HAMILTON STEAK HOUSE Steakhouse Patpong Dusit Thani Hotel Rama IV Rd. Tel : 236-0450

HAUS HAMBURG German food Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy 11 Sukhumvit 15 Rd. Tel : 252-1785

HAUS MUENCHEN German food Sometimes too salty 4 Sukhumvit 15 Tel : 252-5776 Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy

ISAN CLASSIC North-eastern Thai food Patpong 154/8-9 Silom Rd. Tel : 235-1087

ITALIAN PAVILION Reasonable Italian food Nana Plaza 19 Soi 4 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 250-10924, 250-1550

JADE GARDEN RESTAURANT Chinese food Patpong Montien Hotel Surawong Rd. Tel 233-7060

JOOLS British pub/restaurant Nana Plaza 21/3 Soi Nana Tai, Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 252-6413

KIKU NO HANA Japanese Nana Plaza Regal Landmark Hotel Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 254-0404, 254-0424

LE CAM-LY French food Patpong 2nd Fl Patpong Bldg. Surawong Rd. Tel : 234-0290

LAKSMI Indian food Patpong Narai Hotel 222 Silom Rd. Tel : 233-3350

LA ROTONDE Revolving restaurant on top of hotel Narai Hotel Patpong Tel : 233-3350

LE BANYAN Thai food Nana Plaza 59 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 253-5556

LE GOURMET GRILL Steakhouse Patpong Montien Hotel Tel : 233-7060

LE VENDOME French food Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Ambassador Hotel Tel : 255-0444

MAYFLOWER Chinese food Patpong Dusit Thani Hotel Rama IV Rd. Tel : 236-0450

MIZU'S KITCHEN Very popular Japanese interpretation of a steakhouse Excellent value. 32 Patpong l Rd. Tel : 233-6447 Patpong

NEW KOREA Korean food Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy 41/1 Soi 19, Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 253-5273

NEW LA GRENOUILLE French food Nana Plaza 220/4 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 252-0311

NICK'S NO.1 One of the oldest restaurants in Bangkok Very popular Hungarian/International 17 Soi 16 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 259-4717 Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy

LE NORMANDIE Very upmarket grill/French food Oriental Hotel Oriental Ave. Expensive Tel : 236-0400 Patpong

PASTA PASTA Good Italian food Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Ambassador Hotel Tel : 255-0444

PAVILION CAFE Upmarket coffee shop Patpong Dusit Thani Tel : 233-1130

PIZZERIA Quite good pizzas Patpong Narai Hotel Silom Rd. Tel : 233-3350

PRIME BEEF Steakhouse Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy 71/1 Soi 11/1 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 253-2443

RIB ROOM Popular steakhouse Excellent views of city from restaurant Nana Plaza Landmark Hotel Sukhumvit Rd Tel : 254-0404, 254-0424

SHAHARAZAD Egyptian/Arab food Nana Plaza 6/8 Soi 3/1 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 251-3666 SHOGUN Japanese food Patpong 2nd Floor, Dusit Thani Hotel Tel : 233-1130

SILOM VILLAGE RESTAURANT Thai food in pleasant surroundings 286 Silom Rd. Patpong Tel : 234-4581

SARA JANE'S Italian food Patpong 44/15 Convent Rd. Tel : 234-0913

SINGHA BIER HAUS German food + Singha beer 179 Asoke Rd. Tel : 258-3951, 258-9713-4

THAI ROOM Coffee shop Cheap & cheerful 30/37 Soi Patpong 2 Surawong Rd. Patpong Tel : 233-7920

TIARA French/International Excellent city views from restaurant Patpong Dusit Thani Hotel Rama IV Rd. Tel : 233-1130

TRATTOTIA DA ROBERTO Italian food Patpong 37/9 Plaza Arcade Patpong Tel : 234-5987,233-6851

TIEN TIEN RESTAURANT Thai style coffee shop Patpong 105 Patpong Tel : 234-8717, 234-6006

TOKUGAWA Japanese food Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Ambassador Hotel Soi 11, Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 254-0444

VIETNAM RESTAURANT Vietnamese food Patpong 82-4 Soi 4 Silom Rd. Tel : 235-2124

WHOLE EARTH International vegetarian Nana Plaza/Patpong 93/3 Soi Lang Suan Ploenchit Rd. Bangkok Tel : 252-5574

WIENERWALD German/Austrian food Nana Plaza/Soi 274/1 Sukhumvit Rd. Cowboy (Between Soi 12 And Soi 14) Tel : 252-3240

WING ON Chinese food Patpong 913/5 Silom Rd. Tel : 234-9406, 235-8049 33/27-9 Soi 63, Sukhumvit Rd. Tel : 391-4781

Nightlife - an overview

And finally we come to the most important subject of all - nightlife. Bangkok by night is magically transformed from an ugly, traffic-choked mess devoid of all charm into an exciting cornucopia of sex. The possibilities are practically endless. If you have $200 in your pocket then you can be king for a night.

For that kind of money, you can afford a sumptuous meal (your choice of cuisine), all the drinks you can handle, plus a stunning shemale goddess to give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. If you�re feeling greedy, make that two shemale sex machines.

You can get by for a night on half that money, especially if you know your way around, but do you really want to scrimp and save while having the holiday of a lifetime?

Like just about any other capital city, the nightlife revolves around several areas. In the case of Bangkok, they are:

Patpong, Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy, Saphan Kwai/Suthisarn and Ngam Duphlee.

Let�s check them out.


Map of Patpong

Patpong is the most famous red light district in Thailand. Established in the late 1960s, it was originally intended to serve US servicemen during the Vietnam War. Now it caters to tourists from around the world, as well as Thais, offering sex in just about every form imaginable.

There is more to Patpong than just sex, though. Some of the best restaurants in the capital are in or around Patpong. There is also a night market sprawling along Patpong 1. This is a tourist trap pure and simple: you won�t find any bargains here, no matter how hard you look. Still, if you don�t mind paying a little more than necessary elsewhere for T-shirts and souvenirs of Thailand, then the night market is an interesting diversion.

Most bars in Patpong open around 7 p.m. and close at 2 a.m. A few stay open until dawn, and it is easy to find a shemale late at night in Patpong. While a few bars are open during the daytime, it is hard to find a shemale during the afternoon or early evening, possibly because so many of them work so late. Most shemales begin their shifts around 9 p.m. or 10 p.m.

Bear in mind that red light districts tend to attract unpleasant characters. In Patpong, there are a number of touts hanging around trying to persuade tourists to visit certain bars. If they work for honest establishments then they are usually no bother to anyone. The rip-off joints, however, rely on local thugs to lure unsuspecting customers into their bars.

These bars are usually upstairs (possibly because it is harder to escape from somewhere above ground). As mentioned earlier in this guide, customers at these bars will be presented with a huge bill and threatened with violence if they don�t pay up.

The safest procedure if you end up in this situation is to pay up then proceed directly to one of the Tourist Police booths at either end of Patpong. They will escort you back to the bar and obtain a substantial refund (you still have to pay the going rate for your drinks etc.).

There is no point in listing the half dozen or so rip-off bars in Patpong because they change their names so frequently. Just keep your wits about you, and you should be able to spot the good and bad places. If any of the touts hassle you, just say �No thank you� or �Mai ow� and walk away. Don�t let them provoke you into starting a fight because a tout can call on twenty or more reinforcements if he has to.

Enough of all this depressing stuff. Let�s talk about where to find shemales.

In Bangkok, shemales can be divided into three categories:

1. Ordinary transvestites - men who dress in women�s clothes but have a man�s body

2. Pre-op shemales - i.e. they have breasts and a penis

3. Post-op shemales who have gone all the way, and have a �vagina�

In Patpong, about half of the shemales are per-op and most of the rest are post-op. There are very few ordinary transvestites in the area. On an average night, there are 150-200 shemales in Patpong. The figures may decline during a major holiday, such as New Year or Songkran in mid-April, or rise if there is a major influx of high-spending visitors in town.

In the map of Patpong provided above, the best sites for finding shemales are listed. Next, we shall review these bars one by one.

Starting at the Surawong Road entrance to Patpong 1, the first bar we come to is Blue Sky. The place consists of four beer bars sharing the same facilities. Behind these bars is a small boxing ring, and several Thai boxing (kick boxing) bouts are staged throughout the course of the evening. In between fights, the house shemales will get into the ring and do a song and dance routine. To be perfectly honest, none of these girls are employed because of their dancing skills.

Blue Sky has about twenty pre-op shemales dressed in typical streetwalker outfits. They flit from customer to customer offering their services. The bar is open until about 4 a.m., but is lively from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. A typical scenario at the Blue Sky would go something like this.

A shemale will sidle up to you at the bar and introduce herself. After chatting for a couple of minutes, buy her a drink if you like her. This is the signal she has been waiting for. The chatting will become more intimate. Her soft hands will begin to expertly caress you. Soon, her roving hands will have found your erection. She will play with it, teasing you until you are almost at bursting point. She might try undoing your fly and getting a closer look at what you've got.

Resistance is futile. By now, you�re hooked and she knows it. She will suggest you go off to the nearest short-time hotel. There is one just a couple of doors away, up several flights of stairs.

So you pay your bill and off you go. Try and avoid paying the bar fine if you can. the best approach is to arrange to meet the girl upstairs in the hotel reception about five minutes after you have left the bar. At the hotel reception, pay for a short-time - usually two hours.

Now it�s just you and your shemale; alone in a room. It�s time to let your most erotic fantasies come true. Most of these girls base their performance on typical sex videos found in the West. They are almost all experts in giving fellatios. Anal intercourse is perfectly acceptable. Most customers seem to prefer leaving the shemales� members alone, but if you want them to use their own tools, they are always happy to oblige.

This is shemale sex at its sluttiest and dirtiest. Anything goes because they really do like sex anyway they can get it.

Most shemales expect to service you twice during a short-time session. You are expected to shower before and after sex. The action may be hot and dirty, but these girls have very high personal hygiene standards. Besides, the heat in Bangkok makes it seem perfectly natural to take a shower after every intercourse, even if you are in an air-conditioned room.

Once you have finished with your girl, it is time to pay her. Most shemales will settle for Bt 1,000 for a short time. An all-night session will probably cost around Bt 2,000 to Bt 2,500. They may ask for more, and you may even feel like giving them more, but if you are polite but firm, this is all you will have to pay.

There is nothing wrong with arranging to meet a shemale at the Blue Sky (or anywhere else) for the following night. They are delighted to find regular customers. On the other hand, there is no problem if you turn up the following night and choose another girl. Your date from the previous night will probably be prepared to help you score, if you point out the one you fancy.

Some of the girls at Blue Sky are a few years past their best, but there is a steady influx of young shemales, new to Patpong and ready to give it all they�ve got.

Bear in mind that if you take two girls, then you have to pay twice as much - except for the hotel.

Moving on from the Blue Sky, we come to a disco next door. This has no name in English. It is open until about 6 a.m. and does not start to get lively until around 2 a.m. Most of the shemales from Blue Sky and a few streetwalkers will cruise the disco looking for customers. One corner of the disco is particularly dark, and this is where they will escort you, given the chance.

If you are discreet, you can get a hand job or maybe even a blowjob in the disco. Otherwise, it�s off to the hotel.

Just a few doors along from the disco is the Kangaroo Bar. Climb up the stairs and you will find yourself in a small, comfortable bar full of naked women. Shemales occasionally work here, but it is by no means certain you will find what you are looking for. The specialty of this establishment is blowjobs on the premises - either at the bar or in one of the back rooms. Typically, fellatio will set you back about Bt 500 for the girl plus Bt 300 for the bar.

If you are looking for post-op shemales, then it�s time to cross the road. King�s Corner is the place for you. Here you will find about 40 absolutely stunning shemale goddesses in a go-go bar populated with an equal number of women. These shemales are living proof that hormones and silicone can work miracles. Nothing you have seen on the internet can prepare for the looks of these girls.

Every shemale at the King�s Corner has an hourglass figure - huge, firm tits, petite, shapely ass, long, smooth legs, all erotically packaged in a skimpy go-go outfit. What more could you ask for? These girls are just built for sex and they know it. The girls at this bar are rather aggressive and predatory in their approach. You don�t have to look for the girl of your dreams here: she will find you.

There is no way you can avoid paying a bar fine in this bar, unless you want to wait until after 2 a.m. Pay up and let the girl take you to the short-time hotel of her choice. (Let her choose because she will know somewhere close and comfortable which will give you a minimum of hassles.)

These girls usually prefer giving fellatio or having �straight� sex. In other words, you intercourse them as you would a woman. There are few places in the world where you can experience this kind of sex, so get it while you can. Most of the King�s Corner shemales do not like getting fucked up the ass, but may accommodate you if asked nicely.

Prices are a but higher than elsewhere, but worth it. A short-time will probably set you back Bt 1,500 to Bt 2,000. All night sessions will cost at least Bt 3,000. These girls are built to perfection, but in some ways are a bit aloof. They know how good they are and are used to calling the shots. Don�t expect the same enthusiasm as you would encounter from a Blue Sky girl unless you are very good looking and rich. Then, who knows how hot they might get.

Next door to, and upstairs from, the King�s Corner is the King�s Lounge. This disco is open until about 5 a.m. unless the Government is conducting one of its farcical crackdowns on vice. Most of the shemales from King�s Corner will move upstairs after 2 a.m. At this point they are free agents, and no bar fine is payable. A few freelancers will cruise the disco from time to time.

Next door is the King�s Loveboat. (In case you are wondering, all these establishments with King in their names are owned by the Kings Group, a private company not connected with Thai royalty.) The beer bar outside sometimes has a few shemales hovering around.

Directly opposite is the King�s Paradise. Plenty of pre-op and post-op shemales here. This huge beer bar is open until dawn, and has a number of house girls plus freelancers. The girls from King�s Corner will often drop by after 2 a.m. The format is similar to Blue Sky, but without the Thai boxing. Again, you should try to avoid paying a bar fine, if possible. A number of shemales actually cruise King�s Paradise and Blue Sky. Making the short trip back and forth several times each night.

Going back on to Patpong Road, keep walking towards Silom Road and you will find Butterfly Bar on your right. They usually have one or two very shapely shemales there, but the vast majority of the go-go dancers are women.

Just past the Butterfly is Ladynight Bar. This place has the same format as Kangaroo. The establishment usually employs at least one shemale who can service you on the spot or at a short-time hotel. Next door and upstairs is the Rose Bar which is basically the same as Ladynight. They occasionally have shemales working there, but no guarantees.

Across the street is Sawasdee Bar. Here you will find several hot young shemale go-go dancers, plus one or two who are well past their sell-by date.

Once you leave Sawasdee, it is just 50 meters or so to the end of the road. Turn left, then turn left again into Patpong 2 for the second leg of the tour.

About 200 meters up the road on your left is the Superstar Disco. Quite a few freelance shemales cruise this disco from about 9 p.m. onwards. They don�t usually frequent the Blue Sky end of Patpong, so you have a hot alternative waiting for you at this end. Most of the girls will also hang out around King�s Paradise and King�s Lounge from time to time.

Moving past King�s Paradise and Loveboat, there is a small beer bar on the right. This is another pick-up spot for freelancing shemales, especially after midnight. They tend to be a bit older than the crowd around King�s Paradise, but if you look carefully, you may be rewarded with a hot and horny young shemale who has just stopped to chat with her older friends.

Moving on, there are several beer bars on the left. They used to employ a few shemales, but since Christmas 1996 they seem to have left or are keeping a low profile.

Just past the beer bars is Superqueen, which has to be one of the most amazing bars in the world. If you have got this far along the tour, you will have come across plenty of bars offering live sex shows. At Superqueens, the shemales are the stars.

Here you can watch several svelte young shemales perform tricks you would not believe. If you want to know what they get up to, then go and see for yourself. The bar has a little back room if you want a quickie, and the bar fine includes the cost of the room. For a longer, more satisfying experience, why not help yourself to the shemale of your choice. These babes are ready for action any way you want it.

Last, but not least, we come to Pink Panther on the right hand corner of Patpong 2 and Surawong Road. There are two or three young shemales working here who are rather new to the game, plus a couple of much older pros. Quite honestly, the older shemales in Patpong all look as though they have one or two very anti-social diseases, but the younger girls here are very fresh and vibrant.

Despite its promising name, Soi Katoey, or Patpong 3 does not have a lot to offer. There are a number of pricey gay bars and nightclubs, and that�s about it. A few amateur transvestites cruise around, but shemales are very scarce.

Well, that�s Patpong for you. But the grand tour of Bangkok has only just begun.

Nana Plaza

Map of Nana Plaza

Next on the itinerary is Nana Plaza on Sukhumvit Soi 4. Nana Plaza is a three-storey horseshoe-shaped complex with about two dozen go-go bars and cocktails lounges. Most of the 60 or so shemales working here have been completely transformed.

Unlike Patpong, most of the go-go dancers working in Nana Plaza will dance topless or naked. Occasionally, there is a crackdown on these performances, but generally it is much raunchier than Patpong. What Nana Plaza lacks in size it makes up for in attitude.

The entrance is marked by a number of beer bars. On your left is Lucky Luke�s, still going strong after more than 10 years. Freelancing shemales often hang out here on in the beer bars opposite. Beware that some, if not all of them are thieves.

Enter the complex proper, and you will see Playskool, so called because its go-go dancers wear customized school uniforms. If you ever wanted to meet a beautiful post-op shemale dressed in skimpy school clothes and suspenders then this is the bar for you. There are up to 10 of these insatiable vixens working in the bar along with about 40 women. As with any other go-go bar, you have to pay in order to take them away.

The short-time hotel options are not as clean and comfortable as at Patpong. There is one rather dingy hotel in Nana Plaza plus several others a short walk or taxi ride away.

Next door is Hollywood Royale, the most popular go-go bar in the complex. Again, there are about 10 post-op shemales on the premises. The girls seem to move from this bar to next door and back again on different nights even though the bars have different owners. The main difference between the two bars are that Hollywood dancers tend to spend more time dancing in the nude, plus there are dark corners where you can get up to all sorts of fun and games with a hot and willing shemale.

There are worse ways to spend an evening than sitting in either Playskool or Hollywood Royale with a luscious shemale straddling you while you fondle her. And while you are playing with this sex goddess in the bar, remember it can get better, too.

It�s time to move up to the next floor. On the far left hand corner is Casanova Bar, the only place in town where you can be sure that all the go-go dancers are shemales. About two-thirds of them are post-op. This bar combines the best features of Patpong�s Blue Sky and King�s Corner bars with the added bonus that the girls dance topless.

Here you will find 30-40 of the sexiest, most outrageously nasty shemales you could ever wish to meet. They want you and they will not be denied.

As soon as you enter the bar you will be greeted by at least two shemales. They will escort you to a seat and before you have even sat down their will be a hand on your cock, gently fingering your manhood. If possible, the girls will steer you to one of the darker corners of the bar and will give you their undivided attention. You can expect a quick sample of the pleasures that await you if you take that girl to a short-time hotel.

You will get pestered to buy at least one girl a drink, but prices are quite reasonable. If you don�t respond to the advances of the first girl you meet, another will try her hand. If you wait a few minutes, every girl that is available will try to entice you to bed. Playing hard to get was never so much fun.

Some of the girls will offer you sexual services in the toilet, provided you pay them plus the bar for the service. Unless you are absolutely desperate, it makes sense to wait a little while and enjoy the girl in a proper bed.

That just about sums up all the pleasures that Nana Plaza has to offer. There is a floor above Casanova with a couple of go-go bars. Occasionally, a couple of the shemales who usually work at Playskool or Hollywood Royale will work a shift there, but these bars don�t attract many customers, so the best dancers are downstairs.

Soi Cowboy

Map of Soi Cowboy

Soi Cowboy is the third major red light area in town. Slightly cheaper and friendlier than Patpong or Nana Plaza, this street is very popular with residents. There are only a few shemales in Soi Cowboy, but this nightspot is still worth a visit.

Starting from the Sukhumvit Soi 21 (Asoke) end, the first place of interest is the 5 Star Bar on the left. There is one very shapely post-op shemale about 18 years old, plus one or two older girls. If you have already been to Patpong or Nana Plaza then you know what to expect, but as mentioned earlier, Soi Cowboy is friendlier. Here you can experience the gentle side of Thai shemales.

A couple of doors along is the Klymaxx Bar. They rarely employ shemale go-go dancers but they do have two transvestite waitresses. They are always looking for a cock to suck. There is usually at least one shemale hanging around looking to give someone a good time.

Opposite Klymaxx is the Long Gun Bar. They have a couple of horny post-op shemale go-go dancers on the prowl for a man who appreciates their expertise.

Just a few doors along is the Dandy Bar. You can�t miss the gorgeous burgundy-haired post-op shemale sitting by the entrance. Why not make both of you happy when you visit Soi Cowboy.

That just about wraps it up for this place.

Between Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy are several places of interest.

On Sukhumvit Soi 3 you will find the Grace Hotel on your right about 300 meters from the traffic lights. The coffee shop downstairs has a diverse collection of prostitutes, some Thai, some foreign. You can usually find a shemale or two on the prowl late at night. This is actually a 24-hour pick up joint, so it is worth visiting anytime, but midnight to 3 a.m. are the best hours.

The German Beer Garden on Sukhumvit Soi 7 is a mixture of bar, restaurant and hangout for freelancers. Some shemales will start their evenings here before moving on to Nana Plaza while others will arrive later at night.

The new Thermae coffee shop on Sukhumvit Road near Soi 15 is one of the most popular nightspots in town. When the go-go bars around Sukhumvit Road close at around 2 a.m. most of the available women and shemales head for the Thermae. This is a must-visit bar, even if you leave alone. The characters you meet make it well worth your time. prices are very reasonable, too.

Ngam Duphlee

The area around the Malaysia Hotel is called Ngam Duphlee after the main soi running through it. The coffee shop in the Malaysia Hotel and one or two of the beer bars have shemales lounging around. The short-time hotels will have no trouble procuring a willing partner for the night.

Ngam Duphlee is not the sort of place you go to find shemales, though. It is best suited as a base from which to explore Patpong as there are a number of cheap hotels and guesthouses. If you do happen to meet the girl of your dreams there, you are very lucky as the quality is not as high as in the three main red light areas mentioned so far.

Saphan Kwai/Suthisarn

Contrary to popular belief, Patpong is not the biggest red light area in Bangkok. This distinction belongs to Saphan Kwai/Suthisarn which straddle Pahonyothin Road in the north of the capital. Saphan Kwai to the left (west) is predominantly gay, while Suthisarn is devoted almost entirely to heterosexuals. In both cases, 99.99% of customers are Thai.

Some of the gay bars in Saphan Kwai can supply transvestites, but bear in mind these bars cater to Thais. If you walk into a bar, you will be the only white man there.

Try this area if you must, but most foreigners visiting Bangkok are blissfully unaware of its existence and no worse off for their ignorance.

Freelancers and streetwalkers

Freelancers and streetwalkers are easy to find in Bangkok. They offer the excitement of the unknown as well as all the risks that entails. None of them have regular medical check-ups and most are thieves. Be very careful picking up a stray shemale, as you can never be sure what to expect.

Ordinary freelancers hang out around Patpong and Nana Plaza in the places described above. You have a pretty good chance of having a good time if you use a little common sense. The best place for meeting streetwalkers is along Sukhumvit Road between Soi 3 and the Thermae after 2 a.m. Caveat emptor.

Escort agencies

Most escort agencies can supply whatever kind of shemale you want, for a price. You should expect to pay twice as much as in a bar, say Bt 3,000 or so for a couple of hours, but you can be reasonably sure of good quality. Names and contact numbers of these agencies change every few weeks, so the best way to find out is to get a copy of Bangkok This Week. This is a free magazine, with plenty of advertisements of interest to shemale lovers.

Long term or non-commercial relationships

If you have your heart set on meeting an amateur shemale, your options are rather limited. Probably the best place to look is in beauty salons and department stores. As with any other personal relationship, success depends on your approach.

Having a long-term relationship with a shemale hooker is possible, but has at least as many pitfalls as a relationship with any other kind of prostitute. Put simply, the odds on having a happy, stable life with a shemale prostitute are not good.