The Agony Pages of ebby, Raeny and Vogue

The completely unofficial fortunecity Agony Pages - with your favourite Agony Aunts ( and Uncle ) ebby, Raeny and Vogue - the Three Wise Ones. Life getting you down? Feel like you can't go on? Wanna share that with the everyone ? Then let us know - simply use the form below to relate the problem to us, and we'll dive into the fountain of all-knowing knowledge to reveal the answer ( or something like that). Those chosen few who's problems we choose to show on our pages will receive absolutly nothing from us but the fame of having everyone know what a crap life you have. Click your back button to return to this page after submiting the form.


What's your name dear ?

Your Email ?

Now, what's up with you......?

This is also the home of the garden of the Magic Tree where the search for the Magic Onion ended up. To see if you too can find the Magic Onion just follow the link below and see how well you do.

Problems Already Solved By Your's Truely !

As you can see - we are quite experienced in this problem solving thing.... here are the latest problems we've tackled.....

Unprotected - God I'm pregnant.

If we sleep together...will he like me better?

I've tried so hard to mend my wicked ways

Look I'm standing naked before you - don't you want more than my sex?

like you could ever have this....gorgeous couple