Welcome to my little corner on the web. Hopefully you will find out what it you wish to know about me.
I am gay and handfasted to a wonderful life partner. His name is Will, and we tend to spend alot of time together.
Currently we are working on setting up a business. The central theme is wiccan, since we both are wiccans.
I have had a webpage online for nearly ten years, and believe me, it is a chore to update. I also am on Myspace.
Throughout this page you will find highlighted links. Feel free to explore them.
I am someone who likes using his hands as well as his head. I enjoy crafts, and at times find I have to use the McGiver
method to resolve life's little problems. I have to think on my feet, and evaluate things as they occur. I am a nudist at heart,
when circumstances permit. I can fit in most any setting from Tux to cutoffs.
I would hope that anyone reading this page will find the need to read all of the pages, since all about me cannot be
contained on a single page.
I am not a bar person. Clubbing today is nothing more than the old high school clicks and meat racks.
The only camping I do is with a tent. I don't consider myself in the same league with many of today's gays.
The public kissing and hand holding is merely a sign of insecurity. There are ways to let someone know you love them without pervading yourself in public. Save it for the bedroom. I am a realistic person who knows that good looks like ink on paper has a tendency to fade and all we are left with is what is underneath. Words like " Girlfriend ", " Sister" and any other connection with the feminine side of the gay world are a real turn off. Improve your minds and maintain good health and you will not go wrong.
Be yourself, don't try to be anything but that. I live a normal life. That is a traditional Wiccan life. Anything from repairing the grout in the bathroom to installing a closet organizer or fixing things about the house. Getting dirty has never been a problem for me.
Then again I am always working with herbs, nature, and researching my areas of interest.
Follow the links to the left of the page for further information.
INTERESTS: Hockey, Football, Bowling, fishing, camping. Computers, Genealogy, History, reading, music, Herbs.
FAVORITE AUTHORS:: Stephen King, Gary Zukav, Danielle Steele, Gordon Merrick, Dan Brown.
MUSIC: If I cannot understand the words, I don't listen to it. If you have to turn the bass up to vibrate your ass, forget it. It is not uncommon to find me singing about the house or while driving down the road. It all depends on my mood. Music has been a valuable tool in my life. Growing up in one choir or another, summer stock, stage play or just community theather. Music gets me through the most difficult moments in my life as well as understand the feelings raging through me at times. I am still given to singing a tune or two around the house.
Let me know alittle about yourselves: