Miss Spooky's Fanfic Page!
Welcome to my X-Files fanfic page!! This page contains works of fiction from my own Mulderiffic mind. Note that the storylines are all mine, but I do not own Mulder, Scully, Skinner, etc. (Duh!) Sadly they belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. Okay, that said, on with the fic! ^_^
P.S.- I'm warning you now, not all of this stuff is NoRomo friendly... It is all labeled, so you can tell what is and isn't, but, you've been warned.
- Horizon -MulderAngst, X, ScullyAngst
A young girl claiming to be Samantha appears, bringing painful memories with her. But she is still just a small child -- Sam should be over thirty! Is it really her? Can Mulder bear losing her *again?*
- Y2K - MSR, Post-ep (Millennium) vignette, M&S POV
What do you say to something like that..?
- One on One - (light) MSR, humor.
The Agents engage in a little game of one on one...
- G-Man in the Mist-An ode the the Spooky One. Kinda dumb, but it was late when I wrote it...
- One is the Loneliest Number - Mulder P.O.V. Vignette, during Fight the Future bar scene.
- Fight the Future - The name says it all...
- Don't Let Go - Scully P.O.V. during Biogenesis, when she visits Mulder in the hospital
- They Scream - Companion piece to Don't Let Go, during Biogenesis, Mulder P.O.V.
- Seraphim- Mulder POV, Vignette, X,
Just a little Mulder vignette describing his life, and Scully's role therein. I've always seen her as kind of a guardian angel...
E-mail me at [email protected]
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