I have made my home page about three movies made by George Lucas. The names of the movies are: "Star Wars", "The Empire strikes back" and "The Return of the Jedi". Their special effects were amazing for the time they were made. Now a new episode of Star Wars appeared on the big screen. Its name is "Episode 1" . The things that happen in "Episode1" has happened before the episodes that I am making my home page about.


I chose the topic "Star Wars-the trilogy", because it is one of my favourite movies and I hope that people like me would be interested in my home page. The Star Wars episodes have good graphics and a lot of special effects and I think that I can achieve good effects on the computers.


I think that it is interesting not only the movie but also its creators and the way it is made. I think that a Web page should contain a describtion of the films and its characters.


*Star Wars-A New Hope

*The Empire Strikes Back

*The Return of the Jedi