DreamStar's Place in Cyberspace

"Here I am. Your Rocket Queen. I may be a little young, but I ain't naive." GNR

Welcome to my place! This is DreamStar's Domain. =) Here I will tell you a little about me and throw some links at you that give you some insight on who I am.

"This intoxication thrills me. I just pray it doesn't kill me."-Savage Garden

DreamStar's Photography
DreamStar's Tribute to Titanic
DreamStar's Writings
DreamStar's Favorite Bands

"When everything seems like the movies, you bleed just to know you're alive." GooGoo Dolls

DreamStar's Favorite Quotes
DreamStar's Favorite Things
DreamStar's Friends
Email DreamStar
DreamStar and KB9DBC's Wedding

"I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees. When you hurt, when you suffer, I'm your angel undercover." Merdith Brooks.


"Remember making love in the rain

Strange how laughter looks

Like crying with no sound

Raindrops taste like tears, without the pain "- QueensRyche