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Hello. Welcome to my site. As you may have guessed from the title and logo, I'm a freelance writer. My name is Ian Wright - No, I'm not the guy who works for Lonely Planet - and I write fiction (short and novel-length), non-fiction (reviews, sales text, and technical writing), and opinionated rants and editorial articles.

At the top of this page you'll find various links. 'Articles' will take you to examples of my non-fiction work; 'Fiction' will take you to a short story I've written specifically for this site; 'Links' will take you to various other freelancers I know; 'Site' is a self-indulgent waste of computer memory, where I talk about designing this site; 'Writers' takes you to the home-pages of various people who's work I enjoy and have learnt a lot from; 'Comics' contains links to the homes of both e- and print-comics publishers.