Once upon a dream...
Lost in thought
"The tears of love flow as blood is spilled throughout the lands. Blackness fills the sky when the cries of pain resound. Hope is lost to the winds, while the thoughts of hate fill the mind. Vengeance is the power that drives a soul, as love is lost in anger. Trust in the love that resides within. Fight for love and life..." - Daniel Lee Marko
"I feel angry, I feel helpless. Want to change the world.
I feel violent, I feel alone. Don't try to change my mind." - Creed - "One"
The words written in the past, present, and future are a source of life. They can express the emotions that people can't say, or re-enforce the ones already there. They are a way to remove yourself, or someone else, from the world that is around us. Its an escape from the hell that we live in, a way to find peace. It is in my hopes to use my words, and others, to help those in need...
Send me your writing and I'll display the work.