Itta Bena Crafts, Ltd. | home
Be sure to tell Barbara that you saw her book on my web site.
Native Youth Alliance
A non- profit Native American grassroots org., founded to provide for the Seventh Generation by caring for the next.
If you do not help me out by buying one of my products, please at least help them a little.
This is something that I have great respect for.
Our job is to take care of the Seventh Generation. Always..
Texas Band of Choctaws, allot, and I mean allot of links here. Have fun! 
National Pow Wow Calender
National Museum of the American Indian
Okay, here's for my Cherokee Friends 
If ya'll have any others, please send them to me. Thanks!! 
A bead quilt is being made for the victims of 9-11-01 Jean has a wonderful site, when I asked if I could link to her web site, she wrote back and told me that she is not an Indian. That impressed me. Because there are allot of people out there who are trying to be. She is just very impressed of our way of life. It is so good to run across truthful people these days. Allot of links to all kinds of charities here. Money is donated by advertisers, you do not have to spend a cent. Do some good.
Web based e-mail accounts that donates 5 acres of Rainforest for every e-mail sent and received.
This is done through advertisers, none of your money is every spent.
Safest on-line banking account service.
The Best MLM in the world.
Pay day every Monday.
Great buys on computers, handhelds, etc. 
here's some fun stuff 
Great site for girls and parents of girls
We all need humor. Especially in this day and age.
One thing that was noted about Indians when Europeans first came here, is the amount of laughter that Indians had. They laughed at everything, even someone getting hurt.
Laughter is "The Best Medicine".
If a site makes you laugh or at least smile, let me know, please.
Brighten your day, lift your spirits.