PaGe CrEaTeD by NuKe WaTcHeR At 07 JuLy 2001

!!! New Nuker !!!

!!! The Palace Crasher !!!



What is "The Palace Crasher" ?

This is the first Nuke program, that is in the situation,
to destroy a Palace Chat. Like with all Nuke programs
becomes the address, IP or Host merely, just as declared the Port number.
However with the difference, that not the PC but a Palace Chat destroys.

To explanation: The Owner of the attacked Palace Chat sees in his
Palace Chat approximately 5000 Member per minute in his Palace Chat gets on.
After approximately five minutes, his Palace Chat falls and the Owner
cannot his Palace Chat to restart, no longer as long as he
not his address changes.
In her log file looks this as follows:

05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:
05/12/2001 16:18:29 {CFGTHEIE} {HAEDIFTZD} SignOn "TPC370" "32Bit Windows" "Fuck You Asshole"
05/12/2001 16:18:29 - - OpMsg Page from Fuck You Asshole in Entrance:

How installs and execute "The Palace Crasher" ?

First you must the Palace Chat software download
and the folowing registers code to switch free
about the software.


To after you must "The Palace Crasher" software
download and the file into the same steward copy,
in it you also the Palace Chat software has installed.
You must after the executes of "The Palace Crasher"
input the register code again.
As soon as you connect to a Palace Chat, you only must
still the button "OOB the Palace" clicks and already you
has destroyed the Palace Chat.

Have very much fun with the Palace chats destroys...



PoWeReD (c) 2001, NuKe WaTcHeR