Founder and President
: John Enelamah

The Church

The Church is the Body and Bride of Christ. It is God’s divine agent of change in any society. The Church is a living organism and not a dead organization. Christ is the chief corner stone of theChurch and is building the Church. We become a part of the Church by conscious decision. The Church consists of two parts:

               A. The Church Triumphant

               B. The Church Militant

The Church Triumphant

This refers to both the saints of the Old and New Testaments who live in the glory world. The book of Hebrews mentions the “crowd of great witnesses” which refers to the saints mentioned in the previous chapter. A“great crowd of witnesses” surrounds us because they are interested in how we run our race. We are building on the life and obedience of previous generations. The family in heaven and the family on earth are one (Eph. 3: 14- 15). The saints of both the Old and New Testaments who have died and gone to heaven make up the Church triumphant.

The Church Militant

This is the Church, the Body of Christ in the world today. It simply refers to all that have confessed the Lordship of Christ over their lives. We are called the Church Militant because we are still in the battle for souls. Our primary focus shouldbe Christ and Him crucified. We have already won the final battle because we abide in Christ and in the power of His might.

The Price of Revival

According to Ulf Ekman, Revival is a divine attack on society  There is a price to Revival and Reform. A genuine move of God will influence positively both the moral and spiritual climate of a territory. The price of Revival is obedience to God and the leadership of His Holy Spirit. We must be pure vessels of the Lord.

It is evident from the book of Acts of the Apostles that the Early Church was utterly dependent on the Person and power of the Holy Spirit. We will fulfill our destiny as we yield ourselves to the Him. He is the Spirit of Christ and truth. He is called another Comforter. The word “another” is allos and not heteros in the Greek. It means “another of the same kind.” Heteros is another of a “different quality.” Paul said to avoid a “heteros gospel”. The Holy Spirit and Christ are one in disposition and thought.

The word “comforter” in the Greek is parakletos. It is from two words para meaning “at the side, beside” and “kaleo” which means “to be called.” So a paraklete is one who is called to aid another. Jesus is called a Parakletos in 1 John 2:1. The word “advocate” is from the Latin word advocatus, which essentially has the same meaning as parakletos. The Holy Spirit assisted the Early Church in world evangelization and revivalism. He is a Helper. He does not do the job, but assists the believer in seeing the job accomplished.

To see revival in the nations in our lifetime, we must recognize and obey the Person of the Holy Spirit. He wants to guide us in our prayer lives as we pray the prayers that precede revival. We must pray in Revival. Revival must be received in the spirit to show up in the natural. The Holy Spirit helps our infirmities in prayer (Rom. 8:26). Part of the price of obedience is in the arena of prayer. The word “helpeth” means “ to take hold together against with.” This is a ministry of the Holy Spirit in prayer.