Snakenet mIRC

Just click the link below to download the program!

Download Here!

8 Easy steps to get chatting!

1. Download the program from the above link...

2. After it's on your computer double click it...

3. Choose "unzip"

4. Go to the folder it created (c:\Mirc by default)

5. Double click the mIRC program

6. Fill in the blanks for your name, e-mail, nickname, and alternate nick name

7. Click on the box that says "connect to server"

8. Give it some time to connect... when it does, you'll be chatting right away!

After you get it working the first time, all you'll need to do is double click on the mIRC program file and it runs right away...

You may want to mahe a short cut to it but you're on your own with that...
