Free for All
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe , a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." --Albert Einstein

Time and the River

As the River flows. . .
So does the mind through time,
Ever winding through the World of Its own creation,
Creating as It perceives, perceiving as It creates,
The ebb and flow of shaping and being shaped
Washing upon the shores of my own consciousness,
Self-awareness adding itself to the equation
That moves the waters of life,
Ever shifting, ever changing,
Never to be in the same place twice,
Ever cycling through Death by the transforming Sun
And birth through the falling rain,
Carrying the promise of new life
And the Towering threat of complete destruction,
Powerfully, As the River flows. . .

Shawn E Donahoo

Different Paths

Hiking the high cliffs,
my friends clamber over rough
stone up to the high peak.
I, spotting an unused trail,
choose a different path.

I've heard
"there are many paths to the summit,"
and I trust this is one of those.
But this is the lonely way.
This is the slippery trail
on the cold side of the mountain.
I am alone, except for the few footprints
in the kneedeep snow.
No one to guide me but unknown strangers
who have trekked this way before.

I begin to wonder,
Have I been a fool?
Will I lose my way?
Is this a true path or some
way to where I should not go?

Climbing higher, the trail is scarce.
Thorny bushes slow the pace.
But I sense I'm closer to my goal.
I reach the peak before my friends,
but see them coming not far below.
And up ahead, another ridge,
a higher peak,
a mountain glowing in the sun.

Tom Barrett

Love isn't a lot of things....

Love is the way that you feel around someone,

Someone that makes you feel good about yourself is one you love....

Love is a strong word, as is it an emotion. We do not love all our friends, for they are just friends. There is platonic love between two people that can transcend the normal, everyday definition of love. These people need not marry or engage in the activities that a couple might, but they have a true love for one another.... like best friends....

Like the love between a pet and an owner....( however it is argued that animals can/cannot experience love....) Love, as all things in the universe, breaks down into simple things.... Even as we are made of the stuff of stars......

February 1997


The sun slowly sets in,
The sky with its orange glow.
Birds flying home,
Water surges along the coast.

Flowers drooping, bowing their heads.
Petals drifting, blown by the wind.
Leaves fluttering, falling to the ground,
As the end creeps by.

Life is never certain.
All things come to an end.
All things fade away,
All say goodbye.

Fate determines our destiny,
Its constant companion: time.
Time alone is eternal
But love is everlasting.

Feelings may change,
Moments may not last
But memories--
Memories are love's final hope.

Everything might be lost
For nothing is forever,
Except for everlasting love
A love that goes beyond eternity.

Rosa Murillo
August 1998

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