because california rules...

but this part of it sucks.

The 909 area code covers pretty much every city of southern california's Inland Valley. Anyone who lives in the 909 is encouraged to give us any info they can to make this site grow.

The PLA909 was started long ago by linear and el caco, but the endeavor failed and we soon gave up. Me and el caco started to focus more on the United Phone Losers with some friends and that has really taken off. But not too long ago I realized that 4/6 members of UPL are 909`ers, and that PLA909 was a good idea, we just didn't try hard enough last time. So i decided to give it another shot. PLA909 is made up of three UPL`ers and one other loser who thinks he's a UPLer

el caco - founding father
linear - founding father
Jaded - resident of the 909 underground
JJ - resident of the 909 underground

html by PLA909 - copyright � 2k; all lefts reserved
[ linear | el caco | Jaded | jj ]