atcheader.gif (45684 bytes)

atcbar2.gif (16694 bytes)

cid.jpg (15538 bytes)

cid_01.jpg (13333 bytes)

Thanks a bunch Boss.

Supporter_sGifts.gif (33304 bytes)

Thanks Boss this is so pretty

WOWONFIRE.gif (21615 bytes)

Thank you Sue, this is so cute..Hugs Sharon


sharonbaby.jpg (16467 bytes)

Thank you Boss..these mean a lot to me..Hugs

angelgift.gif (17937 bytes)

angelglobe2.gif (64798 bytes)

Thank you Marcia....Hugs....Sharon

freehug.gif (35749 bytes)

Thanks Boss..I'm not sure anyone will believe you sent this to me..:) Love ya..

ms_ragfriends.jpg (32176 bytes)

Thank You Boss, this is so cute..*hugs*

bcdollielp.gif (4214 bytes)bcawareness2.gif (4326 bytes)

Please click on the certificate to get your own doll

atcback.gif (4342 bytes) atchome.gif (4323 bytes) atcnext.gif (4272 bytes)