Welcome to my Travel page.

Holland is a best country on my opinion.
I like it is cold weather.snowy mountains, big highways and the big
irport in Amsterdam city.
Dont forget Holland's football team, it is very popular team
and very strong team.
In AMsterdam you can find lot of restaurants, it is easy to go sightseeing,
because it have a lot of buses and there is very fantastic to shopping in there
shopping ceutres and you can by arcuitecture things from
there. In this picture you will see the A Misterdam international airport.
Oman is a fantastic city in the gulf because of it is cold
weather in winter, tallest mountains, largest green way,an oldest arcuitcture
the beautiful gulf, you can go shipping on the gulf see and see the different see
animals on it
Arabic is the man language of Oman, Thay use the English in the Business
. Most of them is Muslim.

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