Exploring The Dave™ Phenomenon

Who is Dave?

Daveis both just a simple man and an undisputed pop-culture phenomenon, but mostly just a simple man.  Actually, entirely just a simple man.  A simple and rather sad man, who deserves your pity and your used underwear.  

Where did the DavePhenomenon begin?

Some would say it began in a farmer's field in upstate New York in 1969, but they'd be mistaken because that was actually Woodstock.  The DavePhenomenon began in a small, provincial New Zealand town called Kaponga on 25 April, 1971.  It was on this auspicious and also portentous, but not hippopotamus, date that Dave took his first lusty breaths.

What other significant Davedates are there which we could celebrate with much raucous joy and quaffing of ale?

Here is the complete list of Daveevents:

Dave™, The Early Years.

9:45 pm, 25 April 1971:               Daveborn.

11:15 am, 12 July 1973:               Davesays first word: "nurg."

11:17 am, 12 July 1973:               Davesays first sentence: "do poopie."

8:48 am, 1 May 1976:                   Davebegins schooling.  Eats first crayon.  (Orange).

12.13 pm, 18 October 1978:       Dave kisses first girl.  (Nicola Murphy, who is cornered in  the   


12:14 pm, 18 October 1978:       Dave's first bleeding nose.

7:45 pm, 17 February 1984:        Davediscovers first pubic hair*. 

 8:15 pm, 2 November 1984:       Davehas first pash.  (School camp).  Smiles constantly for 2 


1:23 am, 28 June 1985:               Dave's first orgasm.

10:27 pm, 3 July 1985:                 Dave's first orgasm for which he is awake.      

2:43 pm, 2 December 1986:        Davegets driver's licence.  First speeding ticket at 3:05 pm, 

                                                         first fatality at 4:17 pm.

12:08 am, 17 December 1987:   Davebecomes a man.  Smiles constantly for 4 months.

3:00 pm, 9 December 1989:        Davefinishes schooling.  Eats final crayon.  (Blue).

Dave™, The Middle Years.

8:57 am, 17 January 1990:           Davebegins high-powered executive career at local 

                                                         supermarket.  Becomes manager of 'Neatly Stacking             

                                                         Vegetables' division.

10:46 pm, 3 February 1992          Davebecomes a man again, but is finding it an increasingly difficult task as the sheep seem 

                                                          to be getting faster all the time.

4:22 pm, 18 October 1992            Dave™ fired from supermarket under suspicion of being involved in a vegetable smuggling ring

                                                          run by a Russian mafia don called Shlecky.  There was, of course, no truth to this whatsoever!

Dave™, The Later Years.

To follow...


*This hair is preserved in an attractive glass display case and is now on exhibit at the world-renowned Dave™ museum.