Katan Olga was born on February 22, 1954 in Malaja Viska of the Kirovograd area in large family. In 1973 has graduated the Dnepropetrovsk assembly technical school. In 1980 has graduate the Dnepropetrovsk engineering and construction institute. Labour activity began in 1973 by the assembler of 3-rd category.Trades has given back 16 years of the life. With 1994 on 1999 headed "the Business female centre". Since February 1999�. - chief of information-analytical management on ensuring activity of municipal council and its deputies.
The member of Presidium of Union of the womens of Ukraine with 1992, chairman Ukrainian public organization "Woman XXI century", founder of the newspaper "Ƴ��� ����������'�".
In 1998 with the Decree of the President is awarded by an award "Princess Olga" - "For development of a women's movement and charities".
As the competitor of the Ukrainian institute of policy and ethnic-national relations, works above the dissertation on competition of a rank of the candidate of political sciences.
In November 1999 by the invitation of the Supreme Body of Ukraine took part in engineering the bill "About state ensuring of the equal rights both possibilities of the men and women".
Maintaining our candidate - you maintain innovation and reforms!
Behind more information you can address on the phone: 8(0562)45-45-38; fax: 8(0562)45-41-48
or mail to: 49049 Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Barrickadnaja str., 10.
Also you can render the financial help to our candidate.
The account 32306019001 in The Dnepropetrovsk regional national bank of Ukraine.
BLC 305006 Assignment of payment the charitable help. The receiver Katan Olga