Month of December

December 01 - 06, 2000. I keep close watch over the race for President. I so badly want BUSH to win! And the new deadline for somethin' is on my birthday, unless Gore whines to much over it. Also, that space station is supposed to pass over our sky. It seems like a lot of things are going to happen this year on that day! Hopefully the Pres. will be desided on my day? I have to get a job if I want a laptop, which I REALLY do. I'm tired of fighting over this one every weekend.

December 08, 2000. I stayed home from school yesterday for a doctors appointment, going to the mall the rest of the day. The first store I went to was a "Grateful Dead" shop, which I do not remember the name. Oriental Shop, DEB, Inside Scoop, and Waves Music were among the ones I went to. Savage Garden's first CD Japanese version w/ rare tracks(6). It just struck me as so... odd? And I got... JELLYBELLYS! I also got the "Jackie Chan Stuntmaster" playstation game, Japanese Cherry Blossom insense, a Chinese wallhang, another sword, great "daria" boots, Gratefull Dead Christmas cards, and some other small stuff.

December 24, 2000. How was everyone's Month? It has been fun to go to Greenwood, and shop online for christmas. I am stuck at my dad's country house the entire school vacation(started 19th)! We go back January 3rd, which suddenly seems too soon! I nearly got my ass kicked yesterday at Wal-Mart. I won't go into detail, this chick threatened me and my sister. My sister ran off and I had to go after her.