Main Navigation:
Each page(er, site) has a different colour scheme, so this image-light layout pretty. And less graphics will make it load faster. Below is the navigation with discriptions to the various subjects. And after all that are links to my friends' sites.

As A Singer - Asian singer(s) pages with lyrics, image galleries, music videos, ETC. Plus, Asian movie reviews and screen shot galleries.
Crash and Burn- Same as above but with music sang in English.
Densetsu - Includes anime image galleries, manga scans and reviews, Asian magazine scans, etc.
Soldier Through This - My life, school, friends, and such...
Tears and Love? - The stories I write in spare time.
Anything You Want - Emulated games, java games, and more.
Computer Stuff - Wallpaper, webgraphics, themes, cute things, etc. Some made by me.

Love can Happen - The website of my sister, Kie. Includes anime reviews, creative writing, RPGs, and everything else she wants.