Kynnabaria |
Every year the Barony of Roaring Wastes hosts this tournament; I've been twice now and had a great time both times. The folks are friendly and outgoing, and of course the level of competition is fierce. Here's some photos of this year's tourney, taken by Tim Timson (good job, kid):
Dirk vs Amy, and Dirk
Tim, in black, sizes up Andre (survey says: BIG) and Jocelyn has legged Sarnac
Three of Kieran (checky gear) showing his stuff:
Tim strikes again! vs Rheign (right photo) and Lord Dangiforgotyernamesorry (checked blue, left)
Tarquin vs Bolislav of the Butcherable Name, and Braille vs somebody I don't recognize at all (wow I'm bad at this):
Odo (standing) getting ready to break his polearm
Donas falls for the old your-shoe's-untied line! Silly Celt Guy!