To all of my lovable, crazy, and wonderful best friends! :)
Laura: You're da best wyrd half-sistah any gal could ask for! Never stop smiling that smile that is forever planted on yer face!
I'm gonna *try* and get photos of these gals sometime :P
And now to my very few, but close online friends :)
Jon (Svythal): Where oh where has my little Jon gone? :P *poke* *poke* Stop disappearing already!! *thug* Love you heaps, mate :) You still owe me a photo and a letter btw. Hah! *jeans* *swkiss* *thug*
Evelyn: You're a fantastic friend! Such a loud voice for such a tiny person :P
Kirsty: My wuvable wyrd sistah! Love you tons and tons and tons Kirks!!
Isabella: AHHHHH!!! It's an alieM! *panic* naaah... yer not THAT freaky. *gaze*
Michelle B: You rock this world, girl! *thug* I love having the same name as you! Don't ever stop being wacko!!
Ruth: Rufas the doofus!! I'm so happy that you came to Temple this year! C'mon... you know you wanna go out with Joel tho! *gaze*
Andrea: My hyper-active screaming friend! I miss you lots and lots!! *HUG*
Amy: *lpounce* Hey there Aaaaaamy! Don't stop bein' bubbly!!
Renee: Well, sometimes yer quiet, sometimes yer crazy, either way I think yer a great person! :)
Anna: *poke* You scream even more than Andrea, believe it or not!! *blink* It's great that you came to Temple this year!
Natasha: My other wyrd half-sistah! Don't stop laughing and smiling!!
Lisa (Budha): *thugs* You've been a great friend since I've known you and I love ya heaps and heaps *snuggle*
Josh (Kagian): So Mr. NewZealand dude, how ya going? Just think, in 6 years we'll be flying to America? Or prehaps not, who knows *whap* Thanks for being a cool friend, and just remember that "you are who you are, so to hell with everyone that doesnt like you" *cuddle*
Drew (Drewski): Wow, I havent spoken to you in ages, buddy! *thug* Where you been, huh? :P Yer a really great guy, and I hope that you an' Lisa live together happily forever :P *snuggle*
Steve (Simba): Hmmmmm... what can I say? You smell funny, and yer just a liiiiiiittle bit wierd, annnnnd... you make funny noises on the phone, but yer adorable and have an American accent *drool* So, of course, those two things cancel the other things out! *grin* *thug* Love ya mate! Keep smiling.
Steven (Panthro): *cuddle* You're an annoying, pig-headed loser! *grin* Naaaaaaaah. You are awesome. And besides I hafta be nice to you, cos I gotta meet you irl soon :P I love you heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and HEAPS, cos yer so wonderful and adorable and annoyingly cute. *wkiss*