In order of priority (which is, of course, always subject to change; depending on factors such as inspiration, inclination and free time)
Right now? Getting the damn thing uploaded to a site that won't "accidentally" delete it every five minutes. (Thanks, Crosswinds)
Other than that... I do hope to actually get around to writing some more fics. I've got several Babylon 5 ideas circling me like vultures, and I guess that will necessitate a new section, if they ever get written. I'd also like to work on some originals--I haven't spent virtually any time on original fics since I was about sixteen (the veritable dark ages, heheh.) I still like the plots I have from back then, but translating them from adolescent fantasy into something adults will actually want to read is a tough one. Plus there's writing out what I have--I lost a horrible amount of work in the great disk crash of 1994 (OK, so I spilt tea on my floppy disk. But it had *all* of my stories on