�� WiSdom....... friEnDshiP......
EnviROnmeNtally ConscIENce
ShoUt iF You go TO HsEs...
HEllO to aLL of mY EnvIronmenTal BUddieS!
* My TwIn:(NoT reaLLY) Why DO peoPle cOnfuSE me W/U??? DOesN't rEally Mattter... cuz Yur stILL my GoOd FrienD.. :)
* Jen: luv THose afTer cLass diScussIonS... hee hee... HopE there WIll bE moRE to COme....
* GolD FISH: my 1st gOOd frIEnd... WisH u'D stOP hiTTIng Me wit THAt freaKin boOK bAg of urs.... =)
* Miaka: spelled THat riTE?? Ur so SweeT and SucH a GOod pAL....
* d`Anna: Why DO PeOPLe Say ur eviL??? so ConfuSIng.... ur NOt evil aLL the Time...()but THat iS whAt MakES u UNique...
* YesI: whoA.. ThanKu sO Much for aLwAys bein theRe for ME... U doN't kNOw hOw much i aPPreCiate it....
* PoEtiC Babe: heY, aLterEd thaT a Little...Ever SInce LasT yr.. U'vE beEN a verY gOOD friEnd aND jusT wantED to tHAnk u
* JuLia: parlez francais?? U joKe tOo muCh, buT i LOve ya anYwaYs....
* CanDia: we Have PraCticaLLy all THe saME claSSes... thaNKs for HelPIng me and PicKing me Up when I'm bLUe

AmY aka ShummY: ThanX for bein SUch a gooD friend.(hee hee and waiting for Me and LauRen afTer CheM...)
IF I foRgOT ur NaME here DOESn'T meAn Ur Not My friENd =( jus wOKe up And soRTA grOGGY....
Swtest JeaN: i'Ve KnowN u for SO loNG now, aNd I thaNk u foR beIN theRE foR me aND helPIng me w/everYThing.. ur Like the Big Sis I never had( weelll, so are Lily, MinDY, and ANnie, but cha sorTa get WHere I'm goIn.)
LiLY: one thINg we Have In commoN: Purtey PenS breAk ouR conCentrATion... hee hee.I've GottEn to Know U so Much MorE thIS pAst summER and U'Ve alwaYs beeN there For me when I nEED u.I am sooOO graTEful for UR friEndship..
MIndY: we hAVEn'T beEN in TOuch FOr a WHile, but if UR reaDIng thIS, thANk yoU For guIDing me. noe iT sounDs coRNy, but What CaN i DO?
tiwonfistorM: u caN gueSS who THIs is ( SAB? NANCy?) I've GOttEn to Know U bETTer TO, WhaT whAt Do i REaLLY know??
EVe & TIFF: U tWO r reALLy Cool, ANd eVer so SwEEt... thANks U guYs...
TherE Are GOld Ships
there are silver ships
but there's no ship
like FriEndship
~ not by ME
THANkS FOr BEiN a FRienD...
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