It's becoming incredibly ridiculous how Final Fantasy sites have turned into a mainstream
piece of shit with stupid domains, ugly content-less portals run by dotards, design rip-offs,
content rip-offs from PlayOnline, and lowlife communities full of shitheads who spam other
forums and accomplish virtually nothing.
Too many assholes construct crappy Final Fantasy sites and launch them under the impression
they're going to woo tens of thousands of people when literally no one could care. Too
many assholes think they can beat their competition by basically ripping off design ideas,
coding, and content from other sites. Too many assholes think they're special and deserve
the right to act like fucking morons on other forums because their lives are too empty to
consist of any value. Too many assholes think their sites are going to revolutionize
the gaming community with design version 3.4039493 which launches with exactly what they
had before: nothing.
It's time to promote these sites so you don't have to visit them.
If you're on this list, it's not only because your site sucks, but you're an asshole who
think he/she is better than everyone else and that your site is special (either by spamming
your gay site somewhere else or downing other sites from yours). Your site is not
special and neither are you.
This site is maintained by both webmasters and fans of the Final Fantasy community who have
just had enough of this shit and is not represented by a single site or community, so
remove the stick from your butt. If you don't like the fact your site is on here, perhaps
you should think about where your attention needs to be focused: promoting your shit site
by acting like a dickhead on other sites and their forums, or sitting down, shutting up,
and actually working on it.
Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart
This is what happens when a bunch of morons get together at a Denny's at 3 am, half of them
gay and rubbing against each other in the smoking section, and decide to put together a
Final Fantasy site "by the fans, for the fans." Their forum members marry each other and jack
off in threads. Their staff spam other site forums, other site channels, and virtually spend
their time being stupid fucking morons everywhere else BUT their own site. It's not too much
of a surprise how worthless a UK-based "community" Final Fantasy site is since they get all
the releases a year after the rest of the world has already thrown them in the closet and
have collected 3 layers of dust.
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Shinra Online
We're still trying to figure out what exactly the purpose of this site is, because from our
standpoint it's virtually useless. It's run by a bunch of teenagers who obviously get stuffed
in lockers day in and day out at school. You can acquire "gil" on the forums, which makes you
extremely cool because it's like gil from the game or something. These assholes also love to
spam other forums in order to recruit members to their community of 10-year-old fags who still
watch DBZ and have bedtimes before 9pm.
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Final Fantasy Beta
These guys think they're funny, but they're not. Their articles consist of slamming many of the
larger, more popular Final Fantasy portals, but without any kind of actual relevant point. They're
just irate because they aren't allowed to pull attention from any self-respecting person with dignity. These guys weren't diagnosed with
cancer, they didn't have precious family heirlooms stolen from their home, their parents weren't
killed in a violent bloodbath. They were banned from a forum. Winners.
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Initially these FFX bandwagon jumpers connived and bought the domain in order to swipe it from someone else. The victory emails and patting themselves on the back for having done the deed speaks for itself.
This 15-30 year old group of friendless AOLers felt inadequate with their shitty sites and thought they'd be oh-so-l337 and maybe get real traffic for once by buying the domain. MISSION FAILED.
They decided to host a shrine to every single FFX character (what is with all these formulaic, unoriginal, notoriously empty shrines? Can't people make a real site anymore?), no matter how shitty the shrine is and how many places their sites copy from.
Some shrines are so empty they don't even have links, nor do the owners EVEN LIKE the characters! "Wakka sounds like a jerk, but I made this site to make friends".
The "RikkuNU team" also included interesting interactive things, like a pirated VB (now gone), and a group for "FFX domains" none of which can even spell any character's name right.
Sad, that's what happens when you're obsessed with a game you don't have.
They all wish they knew Japanese or something, because they use the most contorted forms of Japanese ever seen on site titles.
Apparently none of them can read and decided to spam anyone plugging FF Shit. Therefore, FF Shit has to reiterate the intro statement which tells said egoists that this site is not particular to anyone, and to remove the stick entrenched in their hairy butts:
"This site is maintained by both webmasters and fans of the Final Fantasy community who have just had enough of this shit and is not represented by a single site or community, so remove the stick from your butt."
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This is what happens when a drooling idiot is let loose on google, they read up various sites and start to think they really know a so-called celebrity. It reminds me of a user who had the ID "Nobuo Uematsu" on FFOnline forums and claimed to really be him.
Content here has been either stolen from existing FF sites and uncredited, or simply copy/pasted from other websites; even unsuspecting non-English ones.
Fake info placed on the existing sites purposely is all intact here.
Credits include many things the webmaster DOESN'T HAVE (FF8 V Jump), WILL NEVER HAVE (PR Kits) and CAN'T READ (anything Japanese). The only thing the webmaster does own and can read is a piddly French magazine (FFShit update: Webmaster now admits to not owning this either).
Site owner also asks for people to "donate scans" and feed her sick obsession.
The owner has also been caught emailing and harassing people on ebay after they won items, for said scans.
Woe unto thee, Japanese wannabe!
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The Final Fantasy
Ever make one of those collages in high school with a bunch of crap from magazines and other stuff,
horribly cut up into odd shaped pieces, and glued in a disorganized array of trash onto a piece of
paperboard? That's the theme here. Their content may seem familiar to you because it's been
ripped from god knows how any other Final Fantasy sites.
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These guys go to the extreme when it comes to ripping off design ideas, color schemes, and page
layouts already used and abused by far superior sites. They really should just give up and close
up shop. They tried, they failed, no one cares.
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Final Fantasy Insider
Get the Final Fantasy scoop from the inside with their massive content they've ripped straight
off PlayOnline. This site, formerly, also has a history of ripping shit off other sites
and plagiarizing news articles, so there isn't a real surprise here.
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The Vagrant Spirit
Full of glaring errors, this mein friends is what happens when you don't play the game.
A theme of Sabin being jealous of Edgar is presented throughout the shrine, yet at no point in the game is there the slightest hint that Sabin may be jealous of Edgar. That conclusion was utterly baseless.
The description of him is way off base. Sabin is not clever or witty, he's the caricature of a Hercules - a dim-witted but warm-hearted man. He doesn't "discover" the truth about the Empire, he only reacts to the plain fact of said establishment murdering his father.
Edgar also also knew that the Empire had murdered his father, and doesn't doubt the fact.
Sabin also makes no mention of "protecting Terra." as this site does.
It even has errors on other characters: Celes is not a baby when she was infused with Magitek power, Terra was never infused.
I suppose I should conclude by saying that instead of rejoicing in the natural simplicity of this endearing character, the owner makes him out to be "complex" and angst-ridden. Sabin doesn't deal with his pain with these complicated responses of repressing or like Cyan does (another statement the shrine makes, although Cyan is practically the antithesis of Sabin), he deals with it with the most basic instinct - flight. This shrine is truly a misrepresentation of a very easy-to-understand character. If the owner would remove the non sequitur conclusions and reasoning, the shrine would be that much the better.
Expect to see this same fragrant, or should we say flagrant made up shit in all her shrines!
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Brigand/Chougou/God Knows
Brigand. At least the title makes sense. I wish I could say that for the rest of the "shrine". It says on her main page that it's 35% done. Who in any rightful manner opens a shrine that's 35% done? True, a shrine is never complete, but she decided to open it... early. I'll give her some credit, she opened it after Final Fantasy X came out. Wait, the day it came out. In Japan. Does that still make it premature? Who knows, but I still think this shrine shouldn't have opened it up until it least had some decent information.
Lets begin, shall we? The layout. Well, it is nice. Much more fancier than most, takes forever to load... and, it has these annoying DHTML popups that can really drive a person insane, especially if you have a slow processor. This gives the viewer something to look at, while waiting for the miniscule information to load on their screen... or kill their computer.
The information section is the most laughable one. It has absolutely nothing. Well, it does, but more than half that information is wrong. Her weapons, for example, are not "pinwheels". Her fighting style is compared to Yuffie's, when one shouldn't even be comparing them, in that manner, before playing the game. She misspells the tribe she comes from, also, which maybe is just me being picky? Al Bhed! Al Bhed! Not Alvedo! What's an Alvedo? It sounds like a fruit or a veggie of some sort! Not to mention the funky name analysis from (Note: Kabalarians is a fraudulent site which includes name analyses to get more hits from shrines like this) is also included in this wonderful package!
Seiyuu? Isn't that what Japanese Anime Voice Actors are called? Hmm... well, to say the least, the gallery has more pictures then you need of her. More images than Rikku herself, which I thought who the shrine was made for? The Media section shouldn't even be looked upon. She gives no credits to MMCafe for some of them, either. Not even in the linkage section.
All in all, this shrine is scant. There's nothing interesting here, nothing correct, and no thanks/credit section which should be one of the first things you should have, especially when you haven't even played the game. One last bit, she still calls her "Ryukku" when her official romanized name by Squaresoft clearly is published as "Rikku".
The site disappeared and suddenly "revived" after many versions rife with stolen and/or uncredited content. Combining with another crappy shrine does not a better shrine make. The new version shows how inexplicably confused and Japanese-wannabe they come off as. Like the new title, and thinking that Chougou (spelt as two kanji symbols meaning compound) was an Al Bhed (made up language) word.
Of course, the only improvements are the harder as fcuk to read layouts. The webmaster seems to think she's the best at what she does, minus making sites READABLE.
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A Shrine to Auron. At least I think that's what it's called. After having seen this shrine plugged at various boards by one of the two owners, I (stupidly) decided to take a look.
Let's get to the point, huh? Shrines, as they've been defined, are made to educate and entertain the visitor about said character. This is where this shrine takes a nose dive into the porcelain shit-hole.
Design-wise, appearance-wise, no, it's not the best thing I've seen in the world, but it suffices, and functions just fine with my configuration. I question its appearance in Netscape, but as an IE user, I won't make a qualm. (The lack of a "back" link on all of the pages further irks me, but we can't have everything, can we?) My beef, if you will, is the complete half-assed attitude toward content the makers of the shrine have put forth.
For example, most sections are banal and brief. Some are one line ONLY. Some are consistent of simply regurgitated information originally put forth by someone else. In short, the information is nothing you haven't seen before, and offers up nothing worth your time. The creators of the shrine seem to think they can spice up their useless info with little "novelties" that are nothing new to the shrine scene: "Auron looks like this guy from this anime."
I'm enlightened and whole, now armed with that critical knowledge. (Cue eye rolling.)
As the shrine bottoms out, they also have a section on general info about FFX, which everyone and their mother has probably already heard six billion times. An ambitious effort, one could say, but not nearly enough, considering this is a CHARACTER shrine (which might be a surprise to those that visit). Turning to media, we have a WHOPPING seven FMV captures and five in-game shots, accompanied by the usual fare of winamp skins and such, i.e. nothing of substance. And finally, the huge ass "site" section. ("LINK ME, LINKS OUT, FUCK A LINK." Again, another FF shrine "standard.") *sigh* It never ceases to amaze me how shrine makers can put up basically half-finished sites and not have a bit of shame in whoring them to the public as this "dynamic duo" has. Time to flush the toilet and move on.
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Water Nympho
European FF gamers, sometimes you feel sorry for them but usually you simply don't give a fuck about their situation. They get most games a few years after its release, or never!
Water Nymph for the past year has been whored, linked and mentioned in a million places yet there's nothing of it to be seen. Of course, with the owner living in some hamlet in Europe, there wouldn't be anything to see anyway.
It was gonna be another mainstream shrine to the most focused on and boring character in FFX, because that's what always gets the hits. Why is it called Water Nymph? Who knows? That's what happens when an old woman needing her daily cybersex titles a shrine before getting the game and actually knowing the character.
Here's the kicker, the shrine boasted being 99% done. With no game, no media, no PS2, NO-THING. It really flips my mind. How the hell can one be "99% done" without having the game? These days shrines can be made with no knowledge whatsoever of anything, and this nonexistent shrine proved it. All you need is stolen content, media, and the perverse strive to be famous (online) for doing it!
Of course, the owner of the shrine has a history of stealing code, layouts and content, try not to act surprised. When the site was released it was chock filled with stolen, wrong and made up content. Even stole all the content from a non-Yuna shrine and turned it into a 'special section', she's that desperate. Nowhere in this site does the owner state that she has no PS2, no game, no way to read Japanese, and no way of getting anything on her own. The whole site (like is rife with misleading words.
An update! Again the lame ass owner claims to have access to "PR-CDs" and every other word she can find that sounds like it!! She links to some poor random french guy "who has PR CDs" who admits he doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. The self important beast has her head quite far up her ass! Besides, since WHEN do random teens in france or Europe in general get "PR CDs"? And for games that are not in their country? Logic, people.
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Final Fantasy Alpha
Categorizing this site was difficult because the webmaster has continually ripped off design ideas
from other sites, but the bigger picture is the content it doesn't have. Again, a forum full of
losers, no content, an ugly design, shit news written by junior high school students. It's pretty
much your run-of-the-mill useless Final Fantasy site.
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Total Final Fantasy
Their slogan is 100% Final Fantasy. Where? These peons haven't had an ounce of content since their
shitty site launched. They're making a new version of their already useless site that's going to
blow away the empty pages you once loved. We can only pray that they'll actually have a page you
can visit with some kind of content when the oh-so impressive version 2.0 is released. Feel free
to take a look at their guestbook, which is nothing more than a spamfest of how much their site
totally doesn't rock.
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New Final Fantasy
New? This looks like shitty Frontpage work from a freelance AOL fag designer from 1998. You've gotta
laugh at the articles these guys throw up on their site as well. "Square used to make games for Nintendo.
Now they don't. Now Square makes games for Playstation. The Playstation is neat." Make sure you get
wowed by their counter, because they've got PROOF of their amazing number of hits by clicking a link.
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The webmaster says she "DOES know about Yunaleska and that Yunaleska kicks butt".
Yunaleska kicks so much butt that there's no pictures, nor anything about Yunaleska on the whole domain.
There's not much of anything else either, but you'll be sure to find tons of broken links.
On top of that, the name is supposed to be spelt Yunalesca.
There's other sites to fill the void, like a Rinoa shrine which for some reason has made up information which can easily be corrected by sitting down and playing the game.
Even the layout mirrors its partner site.
Then there's a Spike shrine (again, what is with these bandwagon jumpers making nothing but unoriginal, worthless shrines?) with layout elements and content taken from other shrines.
Anyone who watched the anime or played FF8 would simply shake their head in disgust as they close the window; just about every statement that hasn't already been pasted from elsewhere, is wrong.
The author also has a shrine to Kidd (can't spell that name right, either) filled with stolen scans from other sites, without credit. Not to mention she WATERMARKS them with her url as though they're her own.
Being at a loss for original ideas the webmaster then copied FF shit, hoping to be elite, make friends or vindicate something.
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