A Typical Day in SMJ

Missy-chan was explaining an average episode of SMJ to a friend. And she copied it to notepad and saved it. o_O;

Lime is strange. And kawaii. And Cherry'll suddenly start having sexual fantasies about Otaru, and everyone looks at her very, very strangely. And Bloodberry's constantly asking Otaru to marry her so they can have sex. Which brings Cherry and Hanagata into the conversation, after, of course, Hanagata has broken through the wall and Cherry has gotten a frying pan....And Lime and Otaru are sitting there wondering what marriage IS. And then Hanagata rips off his shirt to show off his oogly chest, and then Bloodberry and Cherry shove him in a closet, while Lime hugs Otaru and Otaru peers at everyone BUT Lime. And then Lime starts eating, and Bloodberry gets into the sake and gets drunk, and Cherry yells at her and Hanagata appears out of no where in a NINJA OUTFIT.... And then Bloodberry will start taking off her clothing and approaching Otaru, and then Cherry will yell at her some more and state how Otaru is HERS, and Lime'll learn a new word OR find a new pet....And repeat that word over and over and over and over again. And then she'll find a mouse, and Bloodberry and Cherry will freeze in panic and Lime gets hit on the head, and Hanagata will try to kiss Otaru and Bloodberry will kick him to the horizon and then go take a shower, while Cherry cooks dinner and Lime runs out into town to go see jii-chan at the castle. And Otaru tries to figure out what the hell just happened. The End.