The Top Ten Reasons Why I Dislike The Super Bowl
With Eudi
The result of Missy becoming dissatisfied with watching football and coming upstairs to her computer. With small, unneeded comments by Eudi. DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THESE!
Chibi Eudi: HEY!
Chibi Missy 9: *innocent whistle* Lalalalalaaaaaaa.....
Chibi Eudi: *bashes Missy on head with a golf club* *storms off to sulk*
Chibi Missy 9: LoOk At ThE bIrDiEs....It'S a BlUe OnE! PuPuRaN! Lalalaaaaaa....*_x
Er.....Nevermind that bit. And now, without further ado, we bring you the site's FIRST Top-Ten list! Hahahahaaa!
10. My father is too loud. >_<
Chibi Eudi: Yea, I'm used to having very loud males in the house. Very loud. *Winces* Lots of cursing, too.
9. What the hell is a 1st down anyways?!
Chibi Eudi: Well, see, every time a team gets to first down, they have four chances to get ten yards, and then after you cross those ten yards, you're at first down again.
8. N'Sync was on during halftime. >_<
Chibi Eudi: Burn.
7. So was Britney Spears.
Chibi Eudi: BURN.
6. I hate Britney Spears.
5. Sting shouldn't have had to grace such a low sport with his godly prescence.
Chibi Eudi: Sting was there?!
4. Neither should have Aerosmith.
Chibi Eudi: Aerosmith shouldn't have been forced to go make their music all modern with the times as pop evolved.
3. Will someone PLEASE tell me what a 1st down is?!
Chibi Eudi: God, no, I already told you!
2. I hate Britney Spears.
1. It's just too hard to take a fat man in spandex seriously.
Chibi Eudi: o.O