Page of me





Okey Let me talk about my self for awile becous theres a lot of people that wanna know other peoples life, I know, Im kinda that way. So I shal shear you my boring lifeline Okey My mom and dad has a fun time, Or I hope They didIn the small town of huntsvill. becous I have realy bad Family habbits sO I have been a pain in the ass. So I spent my furst five years of in a small town playing with Gobots and Transformers thouingup geting chickin pocks and smashing thing and seeing my furstandonly dog get ran over. then I move to a big town to me at the time, OGDEN, In Utah. were I got my furst frends in furstgrade. that is ween I lernd the fun thing of TOYS ARE US! then I move to Bluff the SMAllest town I have everknen were your mall is a gas station. and the Minority is Whites and the Majority is Indans. So I spent 1st grade there, I one day started to do somthing that would ingalf my hole live from there on. Drawing, I started out drawing cars. So we moved once agen to a big town were I spent 2-3erd grade slowly making my own nolage of what school is, There I have sad it SUCKS. GOD DAM DID it ever suck. Then after that We moved not sofar we moved to Dixedowns, wich is about 2 miles away from were we last lived , there I did nothing at all, I dont even think I drew. So then we moved once agen, about evre two years.. Thus realy bad at Ecademics in school. I well fast forwerd to about five years...Wich is four years ago, ween I saw my furst anime Movie. Robotech, I stell did not know that I would be drawing pics like that, At the time I liked Marvel comics. So give the it a nother 3 years I Enterd Middle school, Thus got the pastion of drawing anime. all though middleschool I spent not studing but drawing and inprove my artestic talent. So now im in Highschool and I have to work in it, but now that I have stade in one spot for almost 5 years I can finly improve my spelling, I know its shity but that is the kewl thing about spell check. So I get kinda Jelus ween my little brother can do alot of stuff beter then I can, exsept for drawing. well I gess that is all i can do in typing, so See you later. I well add stuff as life goes on