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Measurement / Conversions / Abbreviations

Metric to imperial

Imperial to metric
To convert into multiply by
millimetres inches 0.0394
centimetres inches 0.3937
metres feet 3.2808
metres yards 1.0936
kilometres miles 0.6214
To convert into multiply by
inches millimetres 25.4
inches centimetres 2.54
feet metres 0.3048
yards metres 0.9144
miles kilometres 1.6093
To convert into multiply by
cubic centimetres cubic inches 0.061
cubic metres cubic feet 35.315
cubic metres cubic yards 1.308
millilitres fluid ounce 0.035
litres pints 1.76
lirtes gallons 0.219
litres gallons (US) 0.264
To convert into multiply by
cubic inches cubic centimetres 16.387
cubic feet cubic metres 0.0283
cubic yards cubic metres 0.7646
fluid ounce millilitres 28.41
pints litres 0.568
gallons lirtes 4.55
gallons (US) litres 3.785


To convert into multiply by
square centimetres square inches 0.155
square metres square feet 10.764
square metres square yards 1.196
hectares acres 2.471
square kilometres square miles 0.386


To convert into multiply by
square inches square centimetres 6.4516
square feet square metres 0.093
square yards square metres 0.836
acres hectares 0.405
square miles square kilometres 2.5899


To convert into multiply by
grams ounces 0.0352
kilograms pounds 2.2046
tonnes tons 1.196


To convert into multiply
ounces grams 28.35
pounds kilograms 0.4535
tons tonnes 1.016

Metric system

A ampere kL kilolitre mb millibar ms millisecond
C Celsius km kilometre mg milligram m/s metre/second
cm centimetre km/h kilometre/hour Mg megagram mV millivolt
dB decibel kN kilonewton MHz megahertz MV megavolt
dL deciletre kPa kilopascal mJ millijoule mW milliwatt
g gram ks kilosecon MJ megajoule MW megawatt
GHz gigahertz kS kilosiemens mL millilitre min minute
GW giawatt kV kilovolt Mm megalitre ohm
h hour kW kilowatt mm millimetre N newton
Hz hertz kW.h kilowatt hour ML megalitre Pa pascal
J joule L litre mN millinewton s second
kg kilogram m metre m milliohm t tonne
kHz kilohertz m/s metres/second mPa millipascal v vole
kJ kilojoule ma milliampere MPa megapascal w watt