Hello my dear friends,

    I'm particularly proud to announce you that Tom Kluyskens (MayaQueen) will present an improved version of 'Fake RT shadows' tutorial, and the 'motion blurred shadows' tutorial during the "Masters of Maya" 's Rendering Master Class at Siggraph 2000.

    Here is what you can find at A|W web site concerning the schedule of the "Masters of Maya" Rendering Master Class seminar:

MTS1 - Advanced Render Tips and Tricks
                                 This seminar covers advanced rendering tips and tricks:
                                 samplerInfo, lightInfo, pointOnSurfaceInfo,
                                 closestpointOnSurface, distanceBetween, MEL shader,
                                 brushed metal, candle, caustics, and much more.

                                 Level: Intermediate - Advanced

                                 Date: Tuesday, July 25 2000
                                 Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                 Room Location: Rosedown

    Unfortunately, I couldn't participate to those Master Classes, but you can be sure all my thoughts will be with those who have the chance to be there, you lucky guys...!!!

And good luck Tom... :)

    Emmanuel Campin
