VIDOCQ - pre-production pilot


Vidocq is the film Pitof is making now. This film takes place in Paris in the beginning of the 19th century, so let me tell you that Pitof's not SFX director for nothing...

    I unfortunately don't have any pictures of the pre-prod test we did in 2 months. BUT I can tell you it kicks asses!!!

    I had the chance to work with some very interesting persons like (I forgot the word, maybe 'set maker') Jean Rabbas (who has been nominated for Cesar's best set maker for his performance in Asterix (the world is small, aint it?), and with Alain Fretzel (Alain desole si j'ai ecorche ton nom), 'head painter' who also worked with Jean (it's his matte painter)

    This experience with them was too great. We learned so many things on the Paris of 19th century. Architecturally speaking, so interesting. How houses were built, and Alain teached me how to think erosion in my shaders. How time would corrode a material, so this was a very interesting project I worked on. Unfortunately, I don't work on the SFX shots of the film itself.

    And the result is great too. I have learned recently that I wasn't allowed to show pictures of Vidocq (the test) until its public release (probably in 2001), so we'll wait my friends, we'll wait and see...