1 Create a new Query. Include both tables, GameInfo and PlayerInfo. Create the calculated field that is the sum of Goals and Assists fields. Use the Expression builder to create the formula shown in Example 1. Right click on the new field and type Points into the caption property.
2 Add the other fields shown in Example 2. Sort the fields, Points, Goals and Assists in descending order. Right click again and add in Totals, choose Sum. 3 Save the Query as Points. 4 Create a report using the design wizard, use the Points query. Add all the fields. Do not group by any field. Sort by the Points field (Expr1) and Goals and Assists. Choose tabular style. Use Soft Grey. And title the report Bayridge Hockey Team Point Summary. Save the report with the name Points. 5 Go into Design View for the report and move the fields so the fields are in the order, FirstName, LastName, Points, Goals, and Assists. Include your names in the Page footer. |