Assignment 4
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ASCII table



Unit 3 Lesson 4

  1. Create a new form  called, Lesson 4 Ex. 1.
  2. Create 2 text boxes, a button and a label for the result. Remember to name and caption everything properly.  
  3. When the button is clicked a random number between the 2 given in the text boxes is displayed in the label.wpe3.jpg (6530 bytes)
  1. Create a new form called, Lesson 4 Ex. 2.
  2. Set up the form as shown. When the Length button is pressed the answer will display the string, The string is # characters long.When the Right button is pressed and a value is entered into the smaller text box, then the answer will display the string, The # right-most characters are: ?????. When the Left button is pressed and a value is entered into the smaller text box, then the answer will display wpe4.jpg (10713 bytes)the string, The # left-most characters are: ????????