This is where it all began. We arrived from our respective countries into København International Airport. We were picked up and driven to this camp where we would get our introduction into the danish culture and language. We also met people here that we would forever remember.
Who would have thought the phrase "Rød Grød Med Fløde" would be the key to danish fluency?(Red porridge with cream) And that Danes ate so much rye bread, liver pate, and Kartofler(Potatoes)? Definitely a sign that we were not in kansas anymore...
Anyways you're probably here for the pictures and not as much for my commentary so I'll leave it here for now. I plan on adding a small comment with each picture but that is for later when I decide on a specific design for this page. As for now... here are the pictures from the first camp...
camp1-1.html(12 pictures)
camp1-2.html(12 pictures)
camp1-3.html(12 pictures)
camp1-4.html(12 pictures)
camp1-5.html(9 pictures)