Use of this script
This script can be used for
complete acoustic analysis of vowels, especially of multiple files (as
a batch), at a fixed, predefined timepoint. Originally, the script was
written for the analysis of the formant frequencies of 15 vowels in 10
repetitions. See an example of one Output file here.
Please note, that there are have to be no blanks in these files. Otherwise i.e. the output of the vowel code is wrong in the formant result file.
These files should contain the same number of lines and must be syncronized. That means: The vowelcode, the timepoint and the sweepnumber of every line are treated as "belonging together". So the analysis is wrong, if not every line number in all 3 files contains connected data.
After installing, the script
can be run (how can I install a script?).
Several parameters can be entered in a User window:
- LPC order (roughly: determines the number of formants to be found; normally for reliable results SamplingRate/1000+2)- Spectrogram bandwidth (determines the temporal and spectral resolution; for broadband spectrograms 200-300 Hz)
- Spectrogram range (roughly: determines the "blackness" of the spectrogram)
- Sound Data Path : Where are the soundfiles???
- Common Soundfilename: The name of the soundfiles, except the Repetition numbers
- Sweep Textfile : Location and name of the described sweepfile
- TimePointfile: Location and name of the described timepointfile
- Vokalfile: Location and name of the described vowelfile
-PS-Path: The generated pictures can be saved in the PS (Postscript) and EMF(for MS Word Import) format, if desired (see next point). Enter the location.
- Save afterwards: Every picture of the repeated process are saved in a PS and EMF format. Make sure there is enough capacity on the specified harddisc.Every repetition needs roughly 700kB.
- Zeilenbeginn: Where should the analysis start? Counts from the top of the 3 textfiles. Useful, if the analysis should not start from the beginning, i.e. after a break (to determine which vowel should be called, just enter the line for the desired vowel, to be found as the line number of "vokal.txt", in nearly each text editor).
Different Outputfiles
are written (every time appended):
- The whole Info window is appendedly written to a LOG file (named: formantlogfile)
- The values of the LPC analysis (the LPC roots) are written to the file "formantresults"
- The bandwidths of the LPC analysis (the LPC roots) are written to the file "bandbreitenresults".
- The content of the Picture window is written to a Postscript File.
- The content of the Picture window is written to a EMF File.
These files can be
found in the SAME direcory where the script is situated.
It is advised to Remove
all objects except the "Strings objects" and the actual objects every 20
repetitions with the "Remove" command (memory and stability reasons).