my updates of my webpage, i do not want to see spamming and rude
comment's towards me, and my webpage, i would like my webpage to be
clean and good veiwing towards all of my vistors.
When i made an account at Global
Guest i thought? is this gonna be a waist of time? and i
thought.. "yeeees" but i still carried on making my
guestbook account at Global Guest, because? i wanted feedback
on how my webpage is doing and all the good comments about my
webpage, so please do enjoy my guestbook and respect it.
My downloads section, most of the
links their are links to other webpages e.g (Downloads.com and
various other download sites) so i don't really have much to do with
my downloads section, later on i mite make a site specially for my
downloads section, like what im doing for my Other Stuff section and
Movies part of my webpage, due to the overload of space..ect as
Geocities do have a limit on the space you use.
My links section are filled with my
freind's webpages and internet services from around the world, so i
can't really infect them with stuff can i, even thoe that im not
into "Sub Seven" ect...but i will give you links on how to
remove the trojan and tips and clues on howto stop the "Sub
Seven" trojan and various other trojans that are avalabile free
on the internet to adults and young children.
My about me section, i do not want my
personal information given away all over the internet, the only
reason why i posted that information is so that you can get to know
who i am.
In Conclusion: I want my
webpage to be safe for you and me, so when i do come and check up on
it i want it to be safe, and clean for all of its vistiors, so
please do enjoy my webpage.
page was last revised: 27/8/2000