This site couldn't have happened without the help of the following people (well, ok, it could have, but I
have decided to be some what nice when making this list...):

Jaana: For sitting next to me on the crappy Imacs, giving me ideas, and generally being totally obcessed about Nirvana (if that helped any in the making of this page.)

Paul: For... well, you really didn't do anything besides being a friend, but that always helps!

Bob: For helping me put that awesome spider on the ICP page, and for finally admitting you don't know a thing about html!!!
And most importantly, for always believing in me no matter what!
Finally, for your help with the freaking backgrounds on this God damn page!!!

Matt: For checking out the ICP lyrics (and I thought you were going to check the others too, but you just got lazy, didn't you?!)

Joey: For the help with java script!

Rashi and Neha: For being the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for...

And thanks to all the people I forgot to mention that helped me along the way

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