RuntHi everybody!!!
       My name is Runt, and I'll be your tour guide.
In local news:

2/23/00-Added a section on General Leo.  If any of you have some suggestions on how to improve this jalopy...

2/21/00-Finally remembered I had this news applet.  Updated everything...
How do you like the new look?  Any comments, mail me!

4/27/99-Updated the Safari map. With much help from GoldenUrg, it now makes dropped characters' units fair game. Eventually I hope to enhance all my maps with this.... 
4/9/99-Finally finished repairing the damage: Fortunecity had a double-breakdown, both the server and the backups. The good news is, my backups were still good. The bad news is, they were OLD.

Also, put up Cammy's Notebook and the preview for Delta Red: Vengeance Strike in the Library, and a few StarCraftMaps in the FreeJunk area. 
12/6/98-Still attempting a major overhaul. As FortuneCity's online HTML editor can't handle it, it seems I'll be doing it all by hand. Golly. 
11/2/98-In regards to the N Scripts, I started scanning such sketches as I could find on the back of select volumes. Will upload when FC gets its act together. 
8/23/98-By popular request, the un-decoded scripts are now available, for all the good it'll do ya. Decoded Episode IV. 
8/22/98-Finally gave up on my hex decoder, translating the Captain N scripts by hand. Untill I can get a LOT of time, I'm going to have to leave the images blank. For a while. Removed the couch. Added Episode III. 
7/12/98-Added Animated Cursors to the freeware page. Translator broken again. Larry sent me his page: it was blank. Cammy has requested I remove her page, since she's moving to Botswana. 
6/28/98-Finished translating/decoding the 2nd episode of the Captain N. Script. Larry says he has no intention whatsoever of putting up a page, ever. Cammy's not speaking to me anymore. 
6/25/98-Several new images from the Captain N Script decoded, only two remain. Thus far all attempts to retrieve these images have failed. I'm still trying to figure out why the translator keeps stalling out. Still no word from the outlanders. 
6/16/98-One new image added to the Captain N Script.  Still no word from Cammy or Larry regarding their webpages.  Construction of this funny little notepad begins.