The Initial Level (One)
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At the Initial Level, the organization typically does
not provide a stable environment for developing and maintaining software.
The requirements are frequently changing, poor cost estimation and project
project planning. The tools available to the developers are frequently
poorly implemented and there is usually a lax change control board. When an organization lacks sound management practices, the benefits of good
software engineering practices are undermined by ineffective planning and
reaction-driven commitment systems. There may be procedures in place,
but no formal mechanism to ensure that procedures are followed. The software process capability of Level 1 organizations is unpredictable
because the software process is constantly changed or modified as the work
progresses (i.e., the process is ad hoc) and sucess usually depends on
heroes within the group.
The Acid test is to observe an organisations behaviour during a crisis, projects typically abandon planned procedures and revert
to coding and testing. Success depends entirely on having an exceptional
manager and a seasoned and effective software team. Occasionally, capable
and forceful software managers can withstand the pressures to take shortcuts
in the software process; but when they leave the project, their stabilizing
influence leaves with them. Even a strong engineering process cannot
overcome the instability created by the absence of sound management