Laura babysits for Alec, her nephew. She loves to babysit to remind herself that she's normal. She also likes to see her family a lot to keep things in perspective. If she had ever lived in a place like Melrose Place, she would have moved back home to Iowa because she can't imagine living in a place where "your neighbors know everything about you and consider it their business....she would die!" At the end of this clip, she drove by Fox Studio and said "Hello everyone!"
In this clip, she goes to a drive-thru and orders some fast food. She said that she arrived in Los Angeles at the age of 18 - right out of high school. Her parents were nervous for her and were terrified that she would never be anything besides a waitress. Before Melrose came along, she took acting classes, did some commmercials, and worked in restaurants "just to get by." At the time, she wasn't ready to have her own kids; she was happy being an aunt.
Laura goes shopping for snacks for her nephew. She says, "life is different than it was 5 years ago...I guess. I've got a car with air conditioning and I'm not a bartender...for now. I've got a nephew - five years ago, I didn't have a nephew!"