Gaelic Backgrounds
Misc Set 13

go to the next setgo to the previous set
go back to the main page


setmisc13nothing.gif (132 bytes)  

setmisc13home.gif (3166 bytes)    setmisc13mail.gif (3006 bytes)

setmisc13const.gif (3052 bytes)   setmisc13back.gif (3133 bytes)

setmisc13next.gif (3031 bytes)   setmisc13any.gif (3154 bytes)

setmisc13view.gif (2955 bytes)   setmisc13sign.gif (3049 bytes)

setmisc13write.gif (3162 bytes)   setmisc13friend.gif (3226 bytes)

setmisc13bkg.gif (4925 bytes)

setmisc13bkgb.gif (5093 bytes)

setmisc13bkgc.gif (5673 bytes)
alternate backgrounds - click to see page in alt bkgs.

Text check table

black olive yellow


white navy lime blue
green purple aqua red
maroon gray fuchsia


Thanks to

logo_foxbutton.gif (4905 bytes)
for helping with the Gaelic translation