4. NOUNS -

Here are some examples of English nouns:

mother (maTHer) hooyo
father (foTHer) aabe
son (san) inankaga, wiilkaga
daughter (doter) inaantada, gebertada
boy (booy) wiil
girl (gerl) gabar, gobadh
brother (braTHer) walaal, walalka
sister (sister) walasha
grandfather (graandfoTHer) awowe
grandmother (graandmaTHer) ayeeyo
husband (hazbend) ninka xaaska leh, ninka naagta qaba
niece (niis) inanta eey walalaha dhaleen
nephew (nefiuu) inanka eey walalaha dhaleen
cousin (kazin) ina adeerka, ina adeerta, ina abtida, ina abtiga
aunt (aant) eddo ama habar-yar
uncle (angkel) adeer ama abti
friend (frend) saxiib
guest (gest) marti
neighbor ama neighbour (neyber) jaar, jiiran, deris
apple (aapal) tufaax

Mother ("hooyo") is a singular noun. Mothers ("hooyoyin") is a plural noun. Most English nouns form the plural by adding the ending s. For example:

mothers (maTHerz) hooyoyin
fathers (foTHerz) aabeyaal
sons (sanz) inamo
daughters (doterz) gabdho
boys (booyz) wiilal
girls (gerlz) gabdho
apples (aapalz) tufaaxyo

Some English nouns do not form a plural. For example:

butter (bater) subag
milk (milk) caano
water (woter) biyo

When it is clear which person or thing is being discussed, the word the is usually used before the noun. For example:

the son (THe san) inankii
the daughter (THe doter) inantii
the mothers (THe maTHerz) hooyoyinkii

Verbs used with singular nouns have the same form as verbs used with he or she. For example:

he opens wuu furaa
the boy opens wiilkii wuu furaa

she brings way kentaa
the daughter brings inantu way kentaa

she is
waa iyada
the daughter is inantu waa

Verbs used with plural nouns have the same form as verbs used with they. For example:

they open way furaan
the boys open wiilashi way furaan

they bring
way kenaan
the mothers bring hooyoyinkii way kenaan

they are
waa iyaga
the mothers are hooyoyinka waa

Some nouns change their spelling when the ending s is added:

Some nouns ending in the letter o add e before adding s. For example:

mosquito (maskiitoo) kaneeco, mosquitoes (maskiitooz) kaneecoyin
(pateytoo) batato, potatoes (pateytooz) batatoyin
tomato (tameytoo) yaayo, tomatoes (tameytooz) yaayoyin

Nouns ending in the letters ch, s, sh, x or z add e before s is added. For example:

bus (bas) bas, buses (basez) basas
box (boks) sanduuq, boxes (boksez) sanaadiiq
brush (brash) kayn, brushes (brashez) kaymo
class (klaas) fasal, classes (klaasez) fasalo
dish (dish) sixni, dishes (dishez) saxuun
glass (glaas) koob, glasses (glaasez) kobab
match (maach) kibriid, taraq, matches (maachez) kibriidyo, taraqyo

Nouns ending in a vowel followed by y simply add s to form the plural. For example:

boy (booy) wiil, boys (booyz) wiilal
holiday (holidey) fasax, holidays (holideyz) fasaxyo
key (kii) fure, miftaax, keys (kiiz) furayaal, mafaafiix

However if a noun ends in a consonant followed by y, the letter y is changed to ie before s is added. For example:

baby (beybii) cunug, babies (beybiiz) caruur yaryar
city (sitii) magaalo weyn, cities (sitiiz) magaaloyin weyn
country (kantrii) dal, waddan, countries (kantriiz) dalal, wadamo
enemy (enemii) cadow, enemies (enemiiz) cadowya
family (faamilii) xaas, goys, families (faamiliiz) xaasas, goysas
library (laaybreyrii) maktabad, libraries (laaybreyriiz) maktabado
penny (penii) gombo-kumi, pennies (peniiz) kumiyal

Some verbs ending in fe change f to v before s is added. For example:

knife (naayf) mindi, knives (naayvz) mindiyo
life (laayf) nolol, lives (laayvz) nololo
wife (waayf) xaas, wives (waayvz) xaasas

Some verbs ending in f change f to ve before s is added. For example:

leaf (liif) caleen, leaves (liivz) caleemo
thief (thiif) tuug, thieves (thiivz) tuugyo
shelf (shelf) khanad, maqal, shelves (shelvz) khanado, maqalyo

A few nouns form the plural irregularly, without using the ending s. For example:

man (maan) nin, men (men) niman
woman (wUmen) naag, women (wimen) naago
child (chaayld) qofka yar, children (children) caruur
foot (fUt) cag, cagta hoose, feet (fiit) cago, cagaha
tooth (tuuth) ilig, teeth (tiith) ilko
mouse (maws) dooli jiir, mice (maays) jiirar
louse (laws) injir, lice (laays) injiro
person (persan) qof, people (piipal) dad

When a noun refers to one person or thing, the word a or an is often used before the noun. The word a is used before nouns beginning with consonants. The word an is used before nouns beginning with vowels. For example:

a man (aa maan) nin
a bus (aa bas) bas
an apple (aan aapal) tufaax
an enemy (aan enemii) cadow

The pronoun it can be used to refer to single objects which are not human beings. The following two examples both have the same meaning:

There is a door. The door is white.
Halkas waa albaab. Albaabkii waa caddan.

There is a door. It is white.
Halkas waa albaab. Waa caddan.

The pronoun they can be used to refer to two or more objects or human beings. The following two examples both have the same meaning:

There are the doors. The doors are white.
Halkas waa albaabadii. Albaabadii waa caddan.

There are the doors. They are white.
Halkas waa albaabadii. Waa caddan.

For nouns which refer to persons and which do not end in s, the ending  's  (apostrophe s) can be added to show possession. The ending  's  is pronounced like "s". For example:

the boy's father inanka aabihiis
the girl's mother inanta hooyadeed

For nouns which refer to persons and which end in s, the ending  '  (an apostrophe) can be added to show possession. The ending  '  is not pronounced. For example:

the boys' father innamada aabohood
the girls' mother gabdhaha hooyadood


4. MAGAC -

Halkan waxaad ku aragtaan tusaalooyin magacayo:

mother (maTHer) hooyo
father (foTHer) aabe
son (san) inankaga, wiilkaga
daughter (doter) inaantada, gebertada
boy (booy) wiil
girl (gerl) gabar, gobadh
brother (braTHer) walaal, walalka
sister (sister) walasha
grandfather (graandfoTHer) awowe
grandmother (graandmaTHer) ayeeyo
husband (hazbend) ninka xaaska leh, ninka naagta qaba
niece (niis) inanta eey walalaha dhaleen
nephew (nefiuu) inanka eey walalaha dhaleen
cousin (kazin) ina adeerka, ina adeerta, ina abtida, ina abtiga
aunt (aant) eddo ama habar-yar
uncle (angkel) adeer ama abti
friend (frend) saxiib
guest (gest) marti
neighbor ama neighbour (neyber) jaar, jiiran, deris
apple (aapal) tufaax

"Hooyo" waa magaca kaliga ah. "Hooyoyin" waa magaca wadar ah. Sida badan magacyada Ingiriska waxaa la raaciyah s si looga dhigo wadar. Tusaale:

mothers (maTHerz) hooyoyin
fathers (foTHerz) aabeyaal
sons (sanz) inamo
daughters (doterz) gabdho
boys (booyz) wiilal
girls (gerlz) gabdho
apples (aapalz) tufaaxyo

Qaar ka mid ah magacyada Ingiriska ma leh qaab wadareed. Tusaale:

butter (bater) subag
milk (milk) caano
water (woter) biyo

Marka ey cadahay in qof ama shay la qeexaayo erayga the waa in lo isticmaalo magaca hortiisa. Tusaale:

the son (THe san) inankii
the daughter (THe doter) inantii
the mothers (THe maTHerz) hooyoyinkii

Falal la la isticmaalayo magacyada kaliga ah ee islamarkaana wuxuu ku dhamaanaya sida falal loo isticmaala kale he ama she. Tusaale:

he opens wuu furaa
the boy opens wiilkii wuu furaa

she brings way kentaa
the daughter brings inantu way kentaa

she is
waa iyada
the daughter is inantu waa

Falalka loo isticmaalay magac wadar waxay ku dhamaanayaa sida falalkasi they. Tusaale:

they open way furaan
the boys open wiilashi way furaan

they bring
way kenaan
the mothers bring hooyoyinkii way kenaan

they are
waa iyaga
the mothers are hooyoyinka waa

Magacyada qaarkood wuu isbadalaa hingaadoodu marka la raaciyo s:

Magacyada qaarkood ee ku dhamaada xarafka o raaci e, s hortooda. Tusaale:

mosquito (maskiitoo) kaneeco, mosquitoes (maskiitooz) kaneecoyin
(pateytoo) batato, potatoes (pateytooz) batatoyin
tomato (tameytoo) yaayo, tomatoes (tameytooz) yaayoyin

Magacyada ee ku dhamaada xurufaha ch, s, sh, x ama z raaci e, s hortooda. Tusaale:

bus (bas) bas, buses (basez) basas
box (boks) sanduuq, boxes (boksez) sanaadiiq
brush (brash) kayn, brushes (brashez) kaymo
class (klaas) fasal, classes (klaasez) fasalo
dish (dish) sixni, dishes (dishez) saxuun
glass (glaas) koob, glasses (glaasez) kobab
match (maach) kibriid, taraq, matches (maachez) kibriidyo, taraqyo

Magacyada ee ku dhamaado shakhal-dheere oo ay raacdo y raaci s marka la dhigaayo wadar. Tusaale:

boy (booy) wiil, boys (booyz) wiilal
holiday (holidey) fasax, holidays (holideyz) fasaxyo
key (kii) fure, miftaax, keys (kiiz) furayaal, mafaafiix

Lakiin haddii magac ku dhamaado shibanne oo ay raacdo y, xarafka y isku badali ie, s hortooda. Tusaale:

baby (beybii) cunug, babies (beybiiz) caruur yaryar
city (sitii) magaalo weyn, cities (sitiiz) magaaloyin weyn
country (kantrii) dal, waddan, countries (kantriiz) dalal, wadamo
enemy (enemii) cadow, enemies (enemiiz) cadowya
family (faamilii) xaas, goys, families (faamiliiz) xaasas, goysas
library (laaybreyrii) maktabad, libraries (laaybreyriiz) maktabado
penny (penii) gombo-kumi, pennies (peniiz) kumiyal

Magacyada qaarkood ee ku dhamaado fe, f isku badali v, s hortooda. Tusaale:

knife (naayf) mindi, knives (naayvz) mindiyo
life (laayf) nolol, lives (laayvz) nololo
wife (waayf) xaas, wives (waayvz) xaasas

Magacyada qaarkood ee ku dhamaado f, f isku badali ve, s hortooda. Tusaale:

leaf (liif) caleen, leaves (liivz) caleemo
thief (thiif) tuug, thieves (thiivz) tuugyo
shelf (shelf) khanad, maqal, shelves (shelvs) khanado, maqalyo

Magacyo aad u yar, maa raacaan xeerarka. Tusaale:

man (maan) nin, men (men) niman
woman (wUmen) naag, women (wimen) naago
child (chaayld) qofka yar, children (children) caruur
foot (fUt) cag, cagta hoose, feet (fiit) cago, cagaha
tooth (tuuth) ilig, teeth (tiith) ilko
mouse (maws) dooli jiir, mice (maays) jiirar
louse (laws) injir, lice (laays) injiro
person (persan) qof, people (piipal) dad

Marka ey na cadahay in qof ama shay la qeexaayo, erayga a ama an waa in la isticmaalaa, magaca kaliga ah hortiisa. Erayga a waxaa la isticmaalaa xarafka shibannayaasha hortooda. Erayga an waxaa la isticmaalaa shakhal dheerayaasha hortooda. Tusaale:

a man (aa maan) nin
a bus (aa bas) bas
an apple (aan aapal) tufaax
an enemy (aan enemii) cadow

Shay kale ah, oo aan banii aadan aheyn sheyga waa loo istimaali kara erayga it. Labada tusaale ee lamanaha ahi waa isku micno:

There is a door. The door is white.
Halkas waa albaab. Albaabkii waa caddan.

There is a door. It is white.
Halkas waa albaab. Waa caddan.

Shayga ka badan hal, waxaa loo isticmalaa erayga they. Labada tusaale ee lamanaha ahi waa isku micno:

There are the doors. The doors are white.
Halkas waa albaabadii. Albaabadii waa caddan.

There are the doors. They are white.
Halkas waa albaabadii. Waa caddan.

Haddii magaca ku dhamaaneynin s, tilmaanta lahaashaha waa iyadoo magac waliba la raaciyo  's  qaadanaayo qofka.  's  loogu dhawaaqaa "s". Tusaale:

the boy's father inanka aabihiis
the girl's mother inanta hooyadeed

Lakiin haddii magac ku dhamaado s, waxaa la raciyo  '  ka liya.  '  lagumaba dhawaaqo. Tusaale:

the boys' father innamada aabohood
the girls' mother gabdhaha hooyadood