The Simple Past

The Simple Past tense is used to refer to actions which happened in the past.

Here is the Simple Past of the verb be:

I was (aay waz) aniga waxaan ahaa
you were (yuu wer) adiga waxaad aheyd, idinka waxaad ahaydeen
he was (hii waz) isaga waxaa ahaa
she was (shii waz) iyada waxay aheyd
we were (wii wer) anaga waxaana aheyn
they were (THey wer) iyaga waxay ahaayen

It can be seen that the Simple Past of the verb be has two forms: was and were. The Simple Past of other English verbs has only one form.

Many English verbs form the Simple Past by adding the ending ed. Here is the Simple Past of the verb open:

I opened (aay oopend) waan furay
you opened (yuu oopend) waad furtay, waad furten
he opened (hii oopend) wuu furay
she opened (shii oopend) way furtay
we opened (wii oopend) waanu furnay
they opened (THey oopend) way furen

Sometimes the spelling of the verb is changed when the ending ed is added:

If the verb ends in e, only d is added. For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(heyt) nacbeysi, hated (heyted)
love (lav) jacayl, loved (lavd)
use (yuuz) isticmaal, used (yuuzd)

If the verb ends in a consonant followed by y, the letter y is changed to i before the ending ed is added. For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(keyrii) qaadid, carried (keyriid)
hurry (harii) deg-deg, hurried (hariid)
study (stadii) darsid, studied (stadiid)

If the verb is pronounced with the most stress on the last syllable, and ends in a single vowel followed by a single consonant, the consonant must be doubled before the ending ed is added. For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(nit) tidcid, knitted (nited)
stop (stop) joojin, stopped (stopt)

However, the consonants w, x and y do not follow this rule. For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(foloo) raacid, followed (folood)
play (pley) dheel, played (pleyd)

The ending ed is often pronounced like "d" or "t". For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(aask) weydin, asked (aaskt)
learn (lern) barasho, learned (lernd)
smile (smaayl) ilka caseyn, smiled (smaayld)
walk (wok) socod, lugeen, walked (wokt)

However, after the letters d, de, t, or te, the ending ed is pronounced as a separate syllable, with the sound "ed". For example:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(aad) u geyn, added (aaded)
rest (rest) nasasho, rested (rested)
hate (heyt) nacbeysi, hated (heyted)

Some English verbs are irregular, and do not use the ending ed to form the Simple Past. For each of these verbs, the form of the Simple Past must be memorized.

For example, here is the Simple Past of the verb bring:

I brought (aay brot) waan keenay
you brought (yuu brot) waad keentay, waad keenten
he brought (hii brot) wuu keenay
she brought (shii brot) way keentay
we brought (wii brot) waanu keennay
they brought (THey brot) way keenen

Here are some commonly used English verbs which do not use the ending ed to form the Simple Past:

Verb and Simple Past of the Verb

(biigin) bilaabid, bilow, began (biigaan)
bring (bring) gey, ken, brought (brot)
buy (baay) iibsi, gadasho, bought (bot)
catch (kaach) qabo, caught (kot)
come (kam) kaalay, imow, came (keym)
cost (kost) qime, cost (kost)
do (duu) samey, did (did)
drink (dringk) cabbid, cab, drank (draangk)
drive (draayv) kaxayn, wadid, drove (droov)
eat (iit) cunid, cun, ate (eyt)
fly (flaay) duulid, flew (fluu)
give (giv) sii, bixin, gave (geyv)
go (goo) tag, tegid, bax, went (went)
grow (groo) beerid, korin, grew (gruu)
have (haav) leeyahay, leh, had (haad)
hear (hiir) maqal, heard (herd)
keep (kiip) hay, xajin, kept (kept)
know (noo) garasho, knew (niuu)
leave (liiv) ka tegid, left (left)
meet (miit) kulmid, met (met)
pay (pey) bixin, siin, paid (peyd)
put (pUt) dhig, la dhigo, put (pUt)
read (riid) aqriyid, read (red)
ride (raayd) fuulid, rode (rood)
run (ran) ordid, carar, ran (raan)
say (sey) dhihid, orah, said (sed)
see (sii) arag, fiiri, saw (so)
sell (sel) iibsid-gadid, sold (soold)
send (send) dir, u dirid, sent (sent)
sit (sit) fariisasho, sat (saat)
sleep (sliip) hurdo, slept (slept)
speak (spiik) hadal, spoke (spook)
stand (staand) istaag, stood (stUd)
take (teyk) qaadid, took (tUk)
teach (tiich) barasho, taught (tot)
think (thingk) fekar, thought (thot)
understand (anderstaand) fahmid, understood (anderstUd)
write (raayt) qor, qorid, wrote (root)

The Past Continuous

The Past Continuous tense can be used to refer to an action which was taking place at a time when something else happened in the past. For example:

I was walking to work when I saw her.
Anigu waxaan u lugeynaye shaqada marki aan arkay ayada.

Like the Present Continuous tense, the Past Continuous tense of a verb is formed from the Present Participle and the verb be. However, for the Past Continuous tense, the Simple Past of the verb be is used. For example:

I was opening waan furayay
you were opening waad furaysay, waad furaysen
he was opening wuu farayay
she was opening way furaysay
we were opening waanu furaynay
they were opening way furayen

"Used to"

The expression used to (yuustuu) can be placed before the verb, in order to refer to a habitual action which happened in the past. For example:

I used to open waan furi jiray
you used to open waad furi jirtay, waad furi jirteen
he used to open wuu furi jiray
she used to open way furi jirtay
we used to open waanu furi jirnay
they used to open way furi jireen



Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

Qaabka Xaalada la Soodhafay waxaa loo isticmaalaa fal horey u dhacay.

Halkan waxaad ku aragtaan Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay ee falka be:

I was (aay waz) aniga waxaan ahaa
you were (yuu wer) adiga waxaad aheyd, idinka waxaad ahaydeen
he was (hii waz) isaga waxaa ahaa
she was (shii waz) iyada waxay aheyd
we were (wii wer) anaga waxaana aheyn
they were (THey wer) iyaga waxay ahaayen

Falalka kale ee Ingiriska waxay leeyihin hal qaab kaliya ee ah Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay.

Badana falalka Ingiriska qaabka Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay waxaa la raaciyaa ed. Halkan waxaad ku aragtaan Qaabka Xaalad la Soodhafay ee falka open:

I opened (aay oopend) waan furay
you opened (yuu oopend) waad furtay, waad furten
he opened (hii oopend) wuu furay
she opened (shii oopend) way furtay
we opened (wii oopend) waanu furnay
they opened (THey oopend) way furen

Mararka qaarkooda hingaada way is badashaa marka ed la raaciyo:

Haddii fal ku dhamaado e waxaa la raaciya d kaliya. Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(heyt) nacbeysi, hated (heyted)
love (lav) jacayl, loved (lavd)
use (yuuz) isticmaal, used (yuuzd)

Haddii fal ku dhamaado shibanne oo ay raacdo y, xarafka y waxaa isku badali i, ed hortooda. Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(keyrii) qaadid, carried (keyriid)
hurry (harii) deg-deg, hurried (hariid)
study (stadii) darsid, studied (stadiid)

Haddii fal ku dhamaado hal shakhal-dheere oo ay raacdo hal shibanne, iyo shakhal-deerihii waa lagu dhawaaqaa sare, shibannihii isagoo la laba-laabaan marka ed la raacin. Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(nit) tidcid, knitted (nited)
stop (stop) joojin, stopped (stopt)

Shibannayaasha w, x iyo y ma raacaan xeerkaasi. Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(foloo) raacid, followed (folood)
play (pley) dheel, played (pleyd)

Inta badan ed waxaa loogu dhawaaqa sida "d" ama "t". Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(aask) weydin, asked (aaskt)
learn (lern) barasho, learned (lernd)
smile (smaayl) ilka caseyn, smiled (smaayld)
walk (wok) socod, lugeen, walked (wokt)

Haddii falka ku dhamaado d, de, t, ama te, xurufaha ed waxaa loogu dhawaaqa sida "ed". Tusaale:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(aad) u geyn, added (aaded)
rest (rest) nasasho, rested (rested)
hate (heyt) nacbeysi, hated (heyted)

Falalka qaarkooda ku ma dhamaadan ed marka lagu dhigaayo Qaabka Xaalad la Soodhafay. Qaabka Xaalad la Soodhafay ee falalkan waa in kor laga qabta ama la qeybaa.

Halkan waxaad ku aragtaan Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay ee falka bring:

I brought (aay brot) waan keenay
you brought (yuu brot) waad keentay, waad keenten
he brought (hii brot) wuu keenay
she brought (shii brot) way keentay
we brought (wii brot) waanu keennay
they brought (THey brot) way keenen

Halkan waxaa ah qoor ka mid ah falalka caadiga ah ee Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay (aan caadiga aheeynin) oo anan raacin ed:

Fal iyo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay

(biigin) bilaabid, bilow, began (biigaan)
bring (bring) gey, ken, brought (brot)
buy (baay) iibsi, gadasho, bought (bot)
catch (kaach) qabo, caught (kot)
come (kam) kaalay, imow, came (keym)
cost (kost) qime, cost (kost)
do (duu) samey, did (did)
drink (dringk) cabbid, cab, drank (draangk)
drive (draayv) kaxayn, wadid, drove (droov)
eat (iit) cunid, cun, ate (eyt)
fly (flaay) duulid, flew (fluu)
give (giv) sii, bixin, gave (geyv)
go (goo) tag, tegid, bax, went (went)
grow (groo) beerid, korin, grew (gruu)
have (haav) leeyahay, leh, had (haad)
hear (hiir) maqal, heard (herd)
keep (kiip) hay, xajin, kept (kept)
know (noo) garasho, knew (niuu)
leave (liiv) ka tegid, left (left)
meet (miit) kulmid, met (met)
pay (pey) bixin, siin, paid (peyd)
put (pUt) dhig, la dhigo, put (pUt)
read (riid) aqriyid, read (red)
ride (raayd) fuulid, rode (rood)
run (ran) ordid, carar, ran (raan)
say (sey) dhihid, orah, said (sed)
see (sii) arag, fiiri, saw (so)
sell (sel) iibsid-gadid, sold (soold)
send (send) dir, u dirid, sent (sent)
sit (sit) fariisasho, sat (saat)
sleep (sliip) hurdo, slept (slept)
speak (spiik) hadal, spoke (spook)
stand (staand) istaag, stood (stUd)
take (teyk) qaadid, took (tUk)
teach (tiich) barasho, taught (tot)
think (thingk) fekar, thought (thot)
understand (anderstaand) fahmid, understood (anderstUd)
write (raayt) qor, qorid, wrote (root)

Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay ee Socota

Qaabka Xaalad la Soodhafay ee Socota waxaa loo isticmaalaa ama u yahay fal xaaladiisu socota oo isla markaana hore u dhacay. Tusaale:

I was walking to work when I saw her.
Anigu waxaan u lugeynaye shaqada marki aan arkay ayada.

Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay ee Socota waxaa qaab ahaan la mid yahay sida Qaab Xaalad Socota, marka laga reebo Qaab Xaalad la Soodhafay oo loo isticmaalay falkla be. Tusaale:

I was opening waan furayay
you were opening waad furaysay, waad furaysen
he was opening wuu farayay
she was opening way furaysay
we were opening waanu furaynay
they were opening way furayen

"Used to"

Erayada used to (yuustuu) waxaa la dhigi karo falka hortiisa. Qaabkan waxaa loo isticmaalaa qabad la caadiyastey ee wakhti la soo dhafay. Tusaale:

I used to open waan furi jiray
you used to open waad furi jirtay, waad furi jirteen
he used to open wuu furi jiray
she used to open way furi jirtay
we used to open waanu furi jirnay
they used to open way furi jireen