***Welcome to São Paulo***

Palace of the Government

 the current headquarters of the Government of the State counts on a significant quantity of parts of Brazilian plastic artists as Portinari, Aldo Bonadei, Djanira, Almeida Júnior, Victor Brecheret, Ernest of Fioiri and Aleijadinho. The palace still displays movable colonial, devices of leather and silver and européia tapestry. In eclectic style, the building presents in its façade allusive boards to the history of São Paulo. 

Quantity of the Palace of the Bandeirantes Morumbi Avenue, 4.500 Tels.: (55)(11) 3745-3280 / 3745-3094 / 3745-3139

Visits monitored for groups and schools: Tels.: (55)(11) 3745-3263 / 3745-3264



***Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo***