***Welcome to São Paulo***


Portugueses - Responsible for the discovery of the " new land ", the Portuguese had come to Brazil since the first ones tempos.Mesclando-if here to aboriginal populations e, later, to the African slaves, they had come to constitute cerne of this crossbred culture who we understand as Independence and to the long one of century XIX brasileira.Após, the difficulties that lived in Portugal, over all thanks to the poverty of the country, that successively lost its territories of overseas and if it involved in new wars colonials, made that the Portuguese again were attracted for Brazil, being the affinity of the language a attractive one more for immigration, that it continued all during century XX.

Italians - Italian immigration  started to occur shortly afterwards of the unification of Italy, in great first 1871.A leads of immigrants was destined to the farms of farming of coffee in the inward of the São Paulo state. Together with the Spaniard, the Italians had substituted the blacks in the first plantations.The great industrials of São Paulo - the Matarazzo, the Crespi - had constituted the group of " Italian Conds", losing the heading decades after.A mark of this people were not only only in the economy. The Italian immigrants had strong influenced the alimentary habits in the regions where if they had fixed. The pasta, the pizza and the wine quickly had been assimilated and adopted for the native of São Paulo.

Spaniards - the Spanish presence in Brazil is very old. However, the great migratory wave of thousand of Spaniard happens in the end of century XVIII for the work in the coffee farming. At this time the Andalusians arrive and, at as a moment, the Spanish Catalães, Basques and Valencianos.Had been the ones that had been more concentrated in the São Paulo State. The 1920 census disclosed that 78% of the Spaniard inhabited in São Paulo..



***Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo***