Enlarging numbers

While assembling DreaMon normally selects the shortest possible adress-mode. But sometimes this is not desired (e.g. absolut should be used instead of zeropage). To specify a longer adress mode than a number normally has, this number has to be prefixed by enough zeros.

Example: sta $fb should be absolut

a00C000 sta 0fb

A 3 digit hex number is already 2 bytes long and so absolut adressing is used. Of course this will also work:

a00C000 sta 00fb

But why wasting energy on senseless things? ;-)

a00C000 sta 000fb

is no more absolut adressing but long, as 5 hex nibble need 3 bytes.

Of course this method of enlarging number works only for numeric systems where the number of digits clearly defines the length in bytes. That is the case with bin, hex and oct, but not with dez. If an argument consists of several numbers, the biggest enlarging is taken for the result.

Note that Labels can be enlarged too.