"Diiieee!  Diiiiiieeeeee!!"

Here you see Seth and Hailey engaged in their favorite pasttime --
conjuring a creepy, raspy voice and telling one another to "diiieee!"


And believe it or not, Seth wasn't the one who started it.  Well, he kind'a was and kind'a wasn't.  Evidently "die" is Hailey's word for "no" ... so when something pisses her off or she doesn't get her way, she screams, "DIE-DIE-DIIIEEE!!!" in this really shrill voice.  Welp, one afternoon i was over at Sis's hanging out with Seth, and Hailey was occupying herself with one of her toys.  Evidently the toy didn't do what she wanted it to, or it did something she didn't approve of, so she threw it to the ground and screamed, "DIE-DIE-DIE!!!"  I turned to Seth with a horrified look and asked, "Did she just tell that toy to die?"

Immediately Seth's eyes lit up.  (I could hear a voice in his head saying, "Oooh!  Something else to mess with Kevin's head!")   So he walked over to his sis and cooed, "Haaaiiileeey ... oh, Haaaiiileeey ..."  Once he had her attention, he started in his raspy voice: "Diiieee ... diiieee ..."  So she got this really big grin on her face and retorted, also in a raspy whisper: "Diiieee!  Diiieee!"  They kept this up for all of a minute before i ran out of the room in terror.  And thus was born a new game for the kids to play, and a new way to screw with my mind.


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